Dyikanbayeva Urpiia Mamatkadyrovna

senior Lecturer, Head of Laboratories of the Department of Mechanical Engineering Technology (4th building)

Education: KTU, specialty "Engineering technology"

Subjects taught: "Thermal and chemical-thermal processing of materials", "Research of materials and coatings", "Materials Science", "Materials Science and TCM", "Technology of structural materials", "Design production of blanks", "Structural and biomaterials"

Research and Development: Surface quality research

Contact details:
Work phone: +996 312 541471
e-mail: urpia71@mail.ru

Dyikanbayeva U.M., born in 1971, higher education, graduated from the Kyrgyz Technical University in 1995 with a degree in Mechanical Engineering Technology, has been working at the Department of Mechanical Engineering Technology of the I.Razzakov KSTU since 2003. She has worked her way from an educational master to the head of laboratories.

During her work at the Department, Dyikanbayeva U.M. made a significant contribution to the training of qualified engineering specialists, expressed in strengthening the material and technical base of the Department of Mechanical Engineering Technology, contributing to ensuring the quality of training of engineering specialists. So, with her direct participation, together with partners from Germany, three modern laboratories have been formed and functionally maintained: sand casting and centrifugal casting, microstructural analysis using an Axio Imager metallographic microscope and 3D printing using a MakerBot 3D printer; a fleet of technological and measuring equipment from more than 20 units, as well as all the teaching, production and research facilities of the department.

Since 2007, he has been working as a part-time teacher of the Department of Mechanical Engineering Technology, conducts lectures, practical and laboratory classes in the disciplines: "Materials Science", "Materials Science and TCM", "Technology of structural materials", "Design of production of blanks", "Research of materials and processes", "Technological methods for improving the wear resistance and durability of machine parts", "Structural and biomaterials" for full-time and correspondence forms of education. Dyykanbayeva U.M. actively participates in the educational and methodological work of the department: the UMK has been developed in the disciplines: "Research of materials and processes", "Technological methods for improving the wear resistance and durability of machine parts", "Structural and biomaterials", "Materials Science", "Design production of blanks", 18 educational and methodological manuals and scientific articles have been published, in including 2 in Kyrgyz and 1 in German. Conducts curatorial work and is an academic advisor.

Currently, Dyykanbayeva U.M. is improving her qualifications in postgraduate studies, majoring in Mechanical Engineering Technology, performs research work on the topic "Development of a method for improving the quality of the surface layer of holes during drilling".

For the achievements in educational, methodological and scientific work, a great contribution to the training of highly qualified engineering specialists, she was awarded the "Certificate of Honor of I. Razzakov KSTU" (2009,), the Badge of Honor in honor of the 50th anniversary of the Department of Mechanical Engineering Technology (2009), the jubilee medal "KMTU 60 years" (2014).

Scopus ID: urpia@kstu.kg (https://www.scopus.com/home.uri)

Google Scholar: Урпия Дыйканбаева

ResearcherID (WoS): urpia@kstu.kg;

ORCID:  0000-0002-3856-4421

РИНЦ: urpia71 (elibrary)  

Research Gate:Урпия Дыйканбаева