For enrollee

                         Department of Food Engineering (PI)

                                    Dear ENROLEE!

The Department of Food Engineering is one of the oldest departments of the Kyrgyz State Technical University. It was founded in 1956. During this time, the department trained more than 2000 mechanical engineers and about 200 industrial engineers, baking, pasta, and confectionery production not only for Kyrgyzstan, but also for the entire Central Asia region.

The department was constantly developing and improving: a modern scientific, technical and educational laboratory base was created to offer students modern technical education. The educational and laboratory base includes 8 educational institutions, educational workshops and a computer class.

All laboratories work with mock-ups and samples of operating equipment for all food and refrigeration equipment industries.

Currently, the department employs: 2 professors, 4 associate professors, 2 senior lecturers, 1 lecturer of the department, has a doctoral degree in technical sciences and 4 lecturers in technical sciences.

Education in undergraduate and graduate courses with a study period of 4 and 2 years, respectively, in the following areas:

Direction "Technological machines and equipment"

Food Engineering Profile

Release of data on special issues relating to work in food and processing enterprises, as well as to ensure effective management of small enterprises, work in the service sector and in the field of standardization and certification of food products and equipment.

Profile "Machines and equipment for food production"

with specializations:

equipment for the dairy and meat industry;
equipment of canneries;
equipment for baking, pasta and confectionery industries;
equipment for grain storage and processing enterprises.
The company's activity is also the production of other sectors of the economy.

In addition, they are engaged in the design and manufacture of machinery and equipment for the production of food products, their maintenance and technical operation, the mechanization of labor-intensive processes in the processing of raw materials.

Profile "Refrigeration, cryogenic engineering and conditioning"

Especially for this profile, you can work in the field of trade, catering, hotel services and housing and communal services, the use of refrigeration equipment and a comfortable life support system, in the service sector.

with specializations:

Refrigeration and technological equipment for food production;
Trading and household refrigeration equipment;
Air conditioning and climate control.
A mechanical engineer in refrigeration can work in the food and processing industries, in refrigeration engineering enterprises, in the field of trade, catering and hotel services, in the service sector, and in other sectors of the economy where artificial cooling is used.

There are deep general technical and special knowledge, graduates of our department, except in the field of activity, are also in demand in research and design institutions, bodies for standardization and certification of food and raw materials, food and refrigeration equipment.

Annually, about 85% of the graduates of the departments are employed at state, private and joint-stock enterprises of the food industry, as well as at agricultural organizations associated with the processing of agricultural products and food quality control in Kyrgyzstan and other CIS countries.