Educational work
KSTU named after I. Razzakov
Боковое меню
Kyrgyz-German Technical Institute
Machines and Devices for Food Production
Educational work
Educational work of the department "Food Engineering"
Educational work with students is an integral part of the educational process. It includes work on educating students in the educational process: explaining the rules of conduct at the university, getting to know the history of the university, its traditions, explaining how to organize a rational system of study and recreation, a serious attitude to learning. Educational work outside of school hours includes: the involvement of students in scientific work (SRWS), mass cultural and sports activities. Students are involved in the protection of law and order on the territory of the university. In practice, the system of educational work covers: ideological, moral, social, labor, aesthetic and other aspects, is carried out in accordance with the plan of educational work. Curators are assigned to the groups at the department, curators' work plans are approved for each academic year.
Group curators
n / n
Course 1
Toktogulova A.K.
TMO(b)-1-20, TMOg (b)-1-20
2 course
Alymkulov N.Zh.
2 course
Kokoloeva U.U.
Art. teacher
TMOG (b)-1-19
Curators of I and II courses have curatorial journals. The content of plans, events, schedules are set out in their curatorial journals and certified by the dean. Plans for curatorial work are drawn up according to the plans for the educational work of the faculty and the university at the beginning of the academic year, and are approved at a meeting of the department.
Group activities
At the beginning of the academic year, elders, a trade union organization, representatives of the student trade union organization, as well as the Union of Student Youth and the Committee on Youth Affairs are elected in groups. Curators regularly organize excursions for students to museums, to the leading enterprises of the Kyrgyz Republic in the summer, hikes in the mountains, participation of students in Republican, city, international competitions.
The curators control the attendance of classes, and curatorial hours are held, work is carried out with students to familiarize themselves with the educational process, rating control:
- during the rating period, the results are discussed, the time for working off missed classes is agreed with the teachers;
- work is being done with lagging students;
- curators visit students living in a hostel;
- on curatorial hours, the results of progress by modules, sessions are discussed;
- conducted jointly with the staff of the first-aid post medical examination of students, etc.
Organization of work in the hostel
One of the areas of educational work is the control and prevention of offenses of students living in a hostel. Educational work is built on the basis of normative legal acts of the republican and university levels, which determine the goals, strategy and main directions of education of future engineers of a technical university. Outside educational educational activities are carried out purposefully, systematically, taking into account the specifics of a technical university. Reporting information and information on the effectiveness of educational activities are systematically collected. Conversations, checks, prevention of offenses, "On observing safety precautions" are held with students.
Curators regularly carry out work: on duty, on the prevention of offenses, rules of conduct in the hostel, etc.
KSTU named after I. Razzakov Боковое меню Institutions Kyrgyz-German Technical Institute Machines and Devices for Food Production Educational work
Educational work of the department "Food Engineering"
Educational work with students is an integral part of the educational process. It includes work on educating students in the educational process: explaining the rules of conduct at the university, getting to know the history of the university, its traditions, explaining how to organize a rational system of study and recreation, a serious attitude to learning. Educational work outside of school hours includes: the involvement of students in scientific work (SRWS), mass cultural and sports activities. Students are involved in the protection of law and order on the territory of the university. In practice, the system of educational work covers: ideological, moral, social, labor, aesthetic and other aspects, is carried out in accordance with the plan of educational work. Curators are assigned to the groups at the department, curators' work plans are approved for each academic year.
Group curators
No. n / n | Curators | Position | Group |
Course 1 | Toktogulova A.K. | teacher | TMO(b)-1-20, TMOg (b)-1-20 |
2 course | Alymkulov N.Zh. | teacher | TMO(b)-1-19 |
2 course | Kokoloeva U.U. | Art. teacher | TMOG (b)-1-19 |
Curators of I and II courses have curatorial journals. The content of plans, events, schedules are set out in their curatorial journals and certified by the dean. Plans for curatorial work are drawn up according to the plans for the educational work of the faculty and the university at the beginning of the academic year, and are approved at a meeting of the department.
Group activities
At the beginning of the academic year, elders, a trade union organization, representatives of the student trade union organization, as well as the Union of Student Youth and the Committee on Youth Affairs are elected in groups. Curators regularly organize excursions for students to museums, to the leading enterprises of the Kyrgyz Republic in the summer, hikes in the mountains, participation of students in Republican, city, international competitions.
The curators control the attendance of classes, and curatorial hours are held, work is carried out with students to familiarize themselves with the educational process, rating control:
- during the rating period, the results are discussed, the time for working off missed classes is agreed with the teachers;
- work is being done with lagging students;
- curators visit students living in a hostel;
- on curatorial hours, the results of progress by modules, sessions are discussed;
- conducted jointly with the staff of the first-aid post medical examination of students, etc.
Organization of work in the hostel
One of the areas of educational work is the control and prevention of offenses of students living in a hostel. Educational work is built on the basis of normative legal acts of the republican and university levels, which determine the goals, strategy and main directions of education of future engineers of a technical university. Outside educational educational activities are carried out purposefully, systematically, taking into account the specifics of a technical university. Reporting information and information on the effectiveness of educational activities are systematically collected. Conversations, checks, prevention of offenses, "On observing safety precautions" are held with students.
Curators regularly carry out work: on duty, on the prevention of offenses, rules of conduct in the hostel, etc.