Methodical work


An important role in the educational process of the department is assigned to educational and methodological work. The main purpose of the educational and methodological work is to create conditions conducive to improving the efficiency and quality of the educational process. Comprehensive methodological support of disciplines in all areas and profiles is represented by the main educational programs; educational and methodological complexes of disciplines (UMKD), which include educational and methodological materials developed by teachers of the Department of Food Engineering: work programs of basic disciplines and the variable part, methodological guidelines for students to prepare for practical and laboratory classes for independent work. The teaching staff of the department develops and publishes in a typographic way (including with the stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic) educational, educational and methodological manuals on all types of the educational process, including final qualifying work, end-to-end practice program.                                                          The list of educational and methodological documents is determined by the list of disciplines assigned to the department. Only in recent years, the Department of "Food Engineering" has published. - textbooks – 7 (5 of which are stamped MO and N. KR) (Kochneva S.V., Sadieva A.E., Tilemishova N.T., Koenov A.T.) - teaching aids – 9 (Kochneva S.V., Sadieva A.E., Belekova G.Sh., Tilemishova N.T.) - end-to-end practice programs - 1 (Kochneva S.V., Sadieva A.E., Toktogulova A.K.) - methodological guidelines for conducting laboratory classes – 1 (A.T. Koenov) - methodical instructions for conducting practical classes – 1 (Abdiraimov A.A.) The department is successfully working on the publication of educational and methodological materials in the state language.

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An important role in the educational process of the department is given to educational and methodological work. The main goal of educational and methodological work is to create conditions conducive to improving the efficiency and quality of the educatio

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