Department history

The history of the Department of MAPP dates back to 1962. She stood out in a separate department in 1965. The department trained mechanical engineers in three specialties.

- equipment of meat processing plants;

- equipment of KMK production;

- equipment for dairy production.

The newly created department was headed by Associate Professor V. Abdyushev. During the creation of the department, a lot of effort was directed at equipping the laboratories with samples of existing equipment in the relevant sectors, at acquiring educational literature, and providing methodological support for the educational process.

  Since 1968, the duties of the department head have been performed by associate professor F. Dychenko, who made a significant contribution to the preparation of highly qualified scientific and pedagogical personnel, which were clearly not enough at that time. Young lecturers of the department were sent to the target graduate schools of the leading universities of the USSR in Moscow, Leningrad, Krasnodar: Omurzakov D.O., Sadyrov O.A., Soburov K.A. and etc.

Highly qualified teachers from the country's central universities were invited to give lectures.

The first graduation of mechanical engineers was made in 1967. The total number of graduates was 7 people, who later became leading experts in the food industry: Bondareva O., Varenikov V., Plakhtienko L.Z., Matyakh L.I. and many others.

From 1970 to 1978 the department additionally provided training and graduation of engineers - technologists of KMK and sugar industry.

Over the years, the training of specialists at the MAPP department was carried out not only for Kyrgyzstan, but also for the entire Central Asia region in a coordinated recruitment. Every year, according to this system, 35 students were trained at the department until 1992.

The department made its contribution to the formation and development of the department, managing it at different stages: Abdyushev Vasily Georgievich, Dychenko Fedor Epifanovich, Omurzakov Dzhanbai Omurzakovich, Shabdanbekov Uzabek Shabdanbekovich, Soburov Kumushbek Algazievich, Kochneva Svetlana Vladimirovna.

In addition to them, Abramovich Alla Mikhailovna, Saparbayev Mamatkul Saparbayevich, Sadyrov Oktyabrin Alymbekovich, Moiseenko Anatoly Sergeevich, Plakhtienko Lyubov Zakharovna, Usupkozhoeva Anipa Abylbekovna made a significant contribution.

For the first time in the Kyrgyz Republic in 2012, the graduation of specialists in the direction “Refrigeration, cryogenic engineering and conditioning” was so necessary for the entire Central Asian region.

   Za vremya svoyego sushchestvovaniya kafedra podgotovila dlya narodnogo khozyaystva svyshe 2000 inzhenerov – mekhanikov i okolo 3000 inzhenerov – tekhnologov. V 2015 godu kafedra «Mashiny i apparaty pishchevykh proizvodstv» pereimenovana v kafedru «Pishchevaya inzheneriya». V nastoyashcheye vremya obyazannosti zaveduyushchey kafedry ispolnyayet kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk, professor KGTU Kochneva Svetlana Vladimirovna. Kafedra ukomplektovana vysokokvalifitsirovannym professorsko-prepodavatel'skim sostavom, v tom chisle proizvodstvennikami s bol'shim prakticheskim opytom raboty na pishchevykh predpriyatiyakh. Osnovu kadrovogo sostava sostavlyayut professora i dotsenty: 1 doktor tekhnicheskikh nauk, 4 kandidata tekhnicheskikh nauk, iz nikh 2 professora, 4 dotsenta,4 otlichnika obrazovaniya Kyrgyzskoy Respubliki, 2 starshikh prepodavatelya i 3 prepodavatelya. Professorsko – prepodavatel'skiy sostav v ramkakh provedeniya nauchno-issledovatel'skoy raboty aktivno sotrudnichayet s zarubezhnymi partnerami: professorami iz Germanii, Avstrii i Rossii.Za vremya sushchestvovaniya kafedry sozdana khoroshaya laboratornaya baza. Laboratornyye i prakticheskiye zanyatiya prokhodyat v spetsializirovannykh laboratoriyakh, osnashchennykh neobkhodimymi priborami, instrumentami i oborudovaniyem, kotoryye yezhegodno obnovlyayutsya.Segodnya v yeye sostav vkhodyat 6 uchebnykh laboratoriy, komp'yuternyy klass i nauchno – issledovatel'skaya laboratoriya. V nauchno – issledovatel'skoy laboratorii vedetsya razrabotka sovremennykh metodov obrabotki pishchevykh produktov, oborudovaniya, sistem kontrolya i upravleniya tekhnologicheskimi protsessami, kachestvom produktsii.Za posledniye gody dostignuty bol'shiye uspekhi v material'no-tekhnicheskom osnashchenii uchebnogo protsessa. Priobreteno v vide sponsorskoy pomoshchi oborudovaniya po kholodil'noy tekhnike na summu 20 tys. dollarov SSHA (ot Ozonovogo tsentra pri MCHS KR), 12 komp'yuterov i kopiroval'noy tekhniki na 10 tys. dollarov SSHA (ot firmy Aleks Styuart).



During its existence, the department has trained over 2,000 mechanical engineers and about 3,000 industrial engineers for the national economy. In 2015, the department "Machines and equipment for food production" was renamed the department "Food Engineering".

Currently, the duties of the head of the department are performed by the candidate of technical sciences, professor of KSTU Svetlana Kochneva.

The department is staffed with highly qualified faculty, including industrialists with extensive practical experience in food enterprises. The basis of the staff consists of professors and associate professors: 1 doctor of technical sciences, 4 candidates of technical sciences, of which 2 professors, 4 associate professors, 4 excellent students of the Kyrgyz Republic, 2 senior teachers and 3 teachers. As part of the research work, the teaching staff actively collaborates with foreign partners: professors from Germany, Austria and Russia. During the existence of the department, a good laboratory base has been created. Laboratory and practical classes are held in specialized laboratories equipped with the necessary instruments, tools and equipment, which are updated annually. Today it consists of 6 training laboratories, a computer class and a research laboratory. The scientific research laboratory is developing modern methods of processing food products, equipment, process control and management systems, product quality. In recent years, great successes have been achieved in the material and technical equipment of the educational process. Purchased in the form of sponsorship of refrigeration equipment in the amount of 20 thousand US dollars (from the Ozone Center at the Ministry of Emergencies of the Kyrgyz Republic), 12 computers and copy machines for 10 thousand US dollars (from the company Alex Stuart).