The international cooperation

The department actively cooperates with Almaty Technological University, Siberian State Industrial University, Mordovian State University, Berlin Technical University named after Boyta. Currently, mutual and fruitful cooperation is being carried out between the department and the Berlin Technical University. Boita in Berlin, which is supported by the DAAD Foundation (German Academic Exchange Service) in the direction of "Technological machines and equipment" in the profile of "Food Engineering". Within the framework of cooperation, the DAAD Foundation provides internships for teachers of the department in German universities, German professors are invited to give lectures, and student exchange programs are also implemented to complete graduate works and master's theses. As part of the "Guest Lectures" program, the department was visited and lectured by professors: Gudrun Kammash) Professor, Doctor of the Berlin Technical University. Boita in Berlin, Germany.

In order to broaden horizons, deepen knowledge and undergo practical training not only in the Kyrgyz Republic in the field of food industry, the department concluded an "Agreement on academic mobility" between partner universities: Almaty Technological University, Siberian State Industrial University, Mordovia State University, Berlin Technical University named after. Boyta.

Head of the Department Sadieva A.E. in the framework of cooperation with the support of the DAAD Foundation visited the Berlin Technical University. Boyta. As part of the program, she participated in a seminar on the organization of the educational process, visited the laboratories of the Berlin Technical University. Postgraduate student of the department Kokoloeva U.U. passed advanced training at the Siberian State Industrial University. According to the internship program, the following types of work were performed: attending lectures by leading professors of SibGIU, studying the dynamics of mechanical systems in the T-Flex software package, participating in a scientific and methodological conference. Graduate student of the department Toktogulova Aizada passed advanced training in Delhi under the program "Coigse in RDBMS and advance web technology including DOT NET FRAME WORK, MVVM, WCF, WPF, LINQ, WF and SHARE POINT SERVER. " in February-April 2019. Associate Professor of the Department of "Food Engineering" Candidate of Technical Sciences Abdiraimov A.A. completed the training course "3D Modeling and application" according to the ITEC program