Training work

The organization of the educational process at the department "Food Engineering" takes place in accordance with the "Regulations on the organization of the educational process based on credit technology of education (ECTS)", approved by the rector of KSTU. I. Razzakov dated June 12, 2012 No. 131. In 2015 KSTU at the department developed the BEP HPE for the preparation of bachelors and masters in the direction 650400 "Technological machines and equipment". The purpose of the educational program of direction 650400 "Technological machines and equipment" is to prepare graduates for the main types of professional activities determined by the SES VPO of the Kyrgyz Republic, the comprehensive development of the personality of students, obtaining higher in-depth professional education that allows them to work in their chosen field of activity, possess universal and professional competencies that contribute to its social mobility and sustainability in the labor market. The educational process at the department is carried out by highly qualified personnel with basic education. The main goal of the work of the teaching staff is the maximum possible achievement of the quality of training of bachelors and masters in the disciplines assigned to the department, taking into account the formation of competencies through the use of educational innovations in the educational process. In these regulatory documents, in addition, the methods of teaching the discipline, the types and forms of conducting classes, the topics of the SIW, the schedule for the delivery of the SIW, the policy of assessing knowledge are indicated. In the disciplines “PAPP” and in the discipline “TMO2”, students complete course projects, the topics of which are updated annually. The defense of course projects is carried out in the presence of a commission of teachers of the department, consisting of at least two people with presentations of the calculation and graphic parts online or offline. The most interesting developments of course projects are used in the implementation of the WRC. All WRC topics are relevant, applied in nature and are not repeated for five years. Part of the WRC is carried out on the orders of enterprises, and the WRC is performed either individually or by a group of students in the form of complex WRC. It should be noted that the students of the department are fully provided with educational and methodological materials for the implementation of course design and WQR. The defense of the WRC, according to the opinion of third-party members of the SAC, is taking place at the proper level. To organize the passage of students of all types of practices at the department developed and approved in the prescribed manner "Performance programs" for bachelors and masters. The internship is completed on time according to the RUP. At the end of the practice, students prepare reports in a solid version, which are defended before a commission consisting of members of the department and representatives of production. In recent years, the department has received letters of thanks from enterprises based on the results of internships. The department has contracts with the following organizations and enterprises: Tattuu JSC, Gul-Azyk JSC, Bishkek-Sut JSC, Kyrgyztorgtekhnika JSC, Bishkek Experimental Mechanical Plant, Karibe-South LLC, OJSC “Elvest”, LLC “Riha”, LLC “Shin Line”, OJSC Confectionery Plant “Stolichny”, Training and Production Center “Tekhnolog.” etc. The masters of the department undergo pedagogical practice at the department of PI at KSTU, and production and research at the enterprises of the Kyrgyz Republic or the Research Institute of the Kyrgyz Republic. Independent work of students is an integral part of the educational process. Assignments for the SIW are given to students at the beginning of each module and are defended according to the established schedule for each discipline separately. The main types of CDS are reports, abstracts, presentations, essays, etc.

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