Research work

Scientific research

Today, research and innovation activities are the basis for the formation of a balanced scientific and technical policy, innovative educational technologies and the creation of promising training programs for specialists for industries. Currently, the goal of the teaching staff of the department is to solve the problems of creating conditions for conducting productive scientific and innovative work and raising its level in accordance with international standards; commercialization of scientific developments and activation of patent and inventive work, as well as the introduction of advanced scientific and technological achievements of the department into production.

Patent and inventive activity of the department "PI":

Over the past three years alone, 9 patents of the Kyrgyz Republic have been received and introduced into production and into the educational process of KSTU named after I. Razzakov (performers: Doctor of Technical Sciences, Prof. Sadieva A.E., Ph.D., Prof. Kochneva S.V., candidate of technical sciences, associate professor Khalmuratov R.S., candidate of technical sciences, associate professor Abdiraimov A.A., candidate of technical sciences, senior lecturer Kokoloeva U. U., senior teacher Tilemishova N.T. and others).

Participation in international conferences:

A special place in the field of scientific and innovative activity is occupied by participation in international and republican scientific, scientific and technical conferences, seminars and round tables (International scientific and technical conferences held in Bishkek, Almaty, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Barnaul, Yekaterinburg, Kemerovo, Novokuznetsk, Vologda, Saransk, etc. - performers: Doctor of Technical Sciences, Prof. Sadieva A.E., Ph. Ph.D., Prof. Kochneva S.V., Ph.D., Associate Professor Khalmuratov R.S., Ph.D., Associate Professor Abdiraimov A.A., Ph.D., senior teacher Kokoloeva U.U., senior teacher Tilemishova N.T., teacher Toktogulova A.K., etc.).

Participation in projects:

The department is an executor and participant of a number of scientific programs and projects:

The project of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic "Mechanization of the process of filtering national drinks, taking into account specific features" - head Ph.D., Associate Professor Abdiraimov A.A. (2016-2018)
The project of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic "Mechanization of the process of aerating the national drink koumiss" - the head of Ph.D., Associate Professor Khalmuratov R.S. (2019-22).
Research work of KSTU "Resource saving in the food industry, environmental protection and health" on the topics:
"Development of methods for structural synthesis of mechanisms of the third family". Executor: Doctor of Technical Sciences, prof. Sadieva A.E.
"Improvement of technique and technology of spray drying of agricultural products and materials". Executor: Ph.D., Prof. Kochneva S.V.
"Issues of synthesis of mechanisms". Executor: Ph.D., Assoc. Abdiraimov A.A.
The preparation of scientific and pedagogical personnel of the highest qualification is carried out through postgraduate studies, where Tilemisheva N., Toktogulova A.K., Moldobekova A.M., Osmonbek kyzy Meerim, head: Doctor of Technical Sciences, prof. Sadieva A.E. In addition, the teaching staff of the department regularly improves their professional level, through the passage of various PC courses, participation in practical seminars, research internships in universities of near and far abroad countries.

Employees of the department improve their skills by taking an active part in competitions:

Competition "The best textbook, educational and methodological developments" in the Kyrgyz language. Executor: Sadieva A.E., Diploma of II degree;
Competition of innovative projects "Fair of Ideas", Bishkek, November 4-6, 2015, organized by the State Intellectual Property Fund under the State Service for Intellectual Property and Innovation under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic (Kyrgyzpatent) - certificate of participation. Artist: Kylychbekova N.K.
Exhibition of intellectual innovative developments and inventions of the youth of the Kyrgyz Republic within the framework of the informal youth conference Jashtar Camp, 2014 - certificate of participation. Artist: Kokoloeva U.U.
Annual competition "Best EUMK" of the year KSTU named after I. Razzakov. According to the results of the competition, the winner of 2020 was recognized as the EUMK in the discipline "Technological machines and equipment", developed by Art. teacher of the department "Food Engineering" Tilemishova N.T., Diploma of the 1st degree and a prize of 5000 soms.

The teaching staff of the department is actively working with professors from Germany, Austria and Russia in the field of scientific research. The department has created all the necessary conditions for the creative activity of doctoral students, graduate students and applicants.