[Translate to English:] Искакова Фаризат Шамуратовна

Iskakova Farizat Shamuratovna
Нead of the laboratory

Iskakova Farizat Shamuratovna

Head of laboratories

Iskakova Farizat Shamuratovna, born in 1987, Kyrgyz. In 2011 she graduated from KNAU named after. K.I. Skryabin with a degree in "Technology and Production for the Processing of Agricultural Products", in the direction of "Crop Production".

2011-2012 -  an assistant technologist at  LLC "Agua Master",

2013-2015  a laboratory assistant at PC "Akun",  a head of laboratories at PC "Zolotoy Kolos"

2015-2019 - technologist   educational and practical center  "Technologist" KSTU named after I. Razzakov.

2021 - KSTU named after  I. Razzakov for the position of the head of the laboratories of the Department of Canning Technology.


2017 -  GIZ seminar on the topic "Baking", Almaty

2021 - Almaty Technological University “Azyk-tuluk technology syndagy innovation”.

2021-2022 -  mentor "Girls in science" STEM

2022 -  English courses (KSTU named after  I. Razzakov)

2022 - "IT technology" courses (KSTU named after  I. Razzakov)


Приёмная: +996 312 561 492

Кабинет: 2/224

e-mail: f.iskakova@kstu.kg

Гр.работы: 8:00 - 16:00

Стаж работы: 4 years