Dzhamaeva Ainura Esenkanovna
Senior Lecturer
Jamaeva A.E. graduated from the Kyrgyz Technical University. I. Razzakova in 2001 with a degree in Technology of canned food and food concentrates. In 2001, she was accepted as a senior laboratory assistant at the Department of Canning Technology, in 2013 she was transferred to the position of an educational master, and then to the position of a teacher, in 2014 she was transferred to the position of a senior teacher of the same department.
Dzhamaeva Ainura Esenkanovna conducts all types of educational work. He gives lectures in the following disciplines: "Microbiology", "Food Microbiology", conducts laboratory and practical classes, supervises introductory practice, supervises term papers and final qualifying works of students.
Dzhamaeva A.E. actively engaged in educational and methodological work. During the period of work at the department, she developed and published methodological instructions in co-authorship in the following disciplines: "Microbiology" (5p.s.), "Special microbiology" (6p.s.), "Methodological guide for the implementation of final qualifying work" (2 p.p. .l.), "A through program of practice (2p.l.) and a methodological instruction in the state language" Microbiology "(8 p.l.), and is also engaged in research work under the guidance of Prof. Kodzhegulova D.A. on the topic: "Development of functional products".
Awarded with Gratitude from KSTU. I. Razzakova, 2017
Dzhamaeva Ainura Esenkanovna actively participates in the social work of the department, is an academic adviser to students.
This year, along with academic work, she performed the duties of a member of the technical commission of the TF "Admission Company - 2020". During her work, she proved to be responsible and efficient. Since the current epidemiological situation in the country has made its own adjustments to the organization of the reception of documents for applicants.
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ORCID: 0000-0003-4156-9183