Bekturova Kenzhe Abdyrasulovna
Candidate of philological sciences, associate professor
In 1989 she graduated from the Faculty of Russian Philology of the Kyrgyz State University. 50th Anniversary of the USSR, specialty Philologist - teacher.
From 1990 to 1994 she worked as a senior laboratory assistant, and then as a teacher at the interfaculty department of the Kyrgyz language of the named university.
In 1998, she passed through the competition for the position of a teacher, and then a senior teacher of the Russian language department of the Kyrgyz State University of Construction, Transport and Architecture. N. Isanova.
In 2010 she defended her thesis on the topic "Principles of the image of man and nature in the epic" Kozhozhash "10.01.09. - Folklore. In 2017, he was awarded the academic degree 10.01.01-Associate Professor of Literature.
The department conducts a practical course of the Russian language for all specialties of KSTU. She gives lectures and conducts practical classes in the subjects "PR and Advertising", "History of World Literature and Art" for the specialty "Organization of work with youth". For 4th year students, he conducts trainings on successful interviewing and writing an effective resume. Head of the holding of the Russian language Olympiad within the university. Prepares students for participation in the Republican Olympiads.
In 2022, she took the honorable first 1st place in the "Book of the Year" competition for the monograph "Man and Nature in the oral word of the Kyrgyz".