Dzhumabekova Roza Kaparovna

Dzhumabekova Rosa Kaparovna

He has been working at KSTU (FPI) since 1989. Russian  Language and literature graduated from the KSU named after the 50th Anniversary of the USSR with a degree in Russian language and literature; has the qualification: philologist, teacher of Russian language and literature. R.K.

Dzhumabekova headed the Department of the Russian language from 2006 to 2019. During the period of work of the head of the department, she proved herself as a skillful leader with excellent organizational skills who knows how to positively model the relationships of people in a team. He is a highly qualified specialist and a competent methodologist. She compiled teaching aids necessary for the educational process of 1,2 courses. Systematically engaged in research work, articles are published annually in scientific journals. The works of students, whose supervisor is R.K. Dzhumabekova, were awarded prizes of KSTU.

Jumabekova R.K. opened Russian language courses for foreign citizens (license no. ASH 1313). In 1986, she improved the qualifications of university teachers in computer engineering at the State University


Profiles in scientometric databases:

ORCID:  0000-0002-6433-6561

Приёмная: 56-13-02

Телефон: +996 559 591 151

Кабинет: 2/417


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