Urdolotova Chynara Adylbekovna

Urdolotova Chynara Adylbekovna
Senior Lecturer of the Department "Organization of work with youth and the development of the Russian language"

In 2008 she graduated from the Belarusian State University. K. Karasaev, specializing in "teacher of Russian language and literature." From 2008 to 2010 she worked as a senior laboratory assistant and teacher at KGUSTA named after A.I. N. Isanova. From 2010 to 2015 she worked as a teacher. In 2012, she entered the master's program at KGUSTA named after N. Isanova in the direction of "Linguistics". In 2014 she defended her master's thesis on the topic "Verbal phraseological units". In 2015, according to the competition, she was promoted to the position of senior lecturer of the department "ORMiRRYA" of KGUSTA named after A.I. N. Isanova. In 2017, she entered graduate school at the Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic.

The topic of the candidate's dtssertation was approved: "Kyrgyz-orus tamsilderinin okshoshtuktary zhana ozgөchөlүktөrү". Articles have been written and published on the research topic.

Published more than 10 articles, 1 methodical instruction.

Приёмная: 0312545718

Телефон: +996707335266

Кабинет: 210

e-mail: ch.urdolotova@kstu.kg