Djolbulakova Cholpon Arzymatovna
KSTU named after I. Razzakov
Боковое меню
Institute of Technology
Russian language
The composition of the department
Djolbulakova Cholpon Arzymatovna
Dzholbulakova Cholpon Arzymatovna
She graduated from the Frunze Pedagogical Institute of Russian Language and Literature in 1991, specializing in teaching Russian language and literature at a national school. She has published more than 12 articles, 3 guidelines, 2 study guides.
Since 2015, he has been an applicant for the department "Kyrgyz Adabiyaty" of the KNU named after. J. Balasagyn. She is working on her Ph.D. thesis on the topic: “Peculiarities of modern Russian prose in Kyrgyzstan” and plans to defend this year.
Passed refresher courses under the program: "Interactive learning in the conditions of higher education" (Bishkek, KGUSTA).

Приёмная: 0312545718
Телефон: +996551060769
Кабинет: 210
KSTU named after I. Razzakov Боковое меню Institutions Institute of Technology Russian language The composition of the department Djolbulakova Cholpon Arzymatovna
Dzholbulakova Cholpon Arzymatovna
She graduated from the Frunze Pedagogical Institute of Russian Language and Literature in 1991, specializing in teaching Russian language and literature at a national school. She has published more than 12 articles, 3 guidelines, 2 study guides.
Since 2015, he has been an applicant for the department "Kyrgyz Adabiyaty" of the KNU named after. J. Balasagyn. She is working on her Ph.D. thesis on the topic: “Peculiarities of modern Russian prose in Kyrgyzstan” and plans to defend this year.
Passed refresher courses under the program: "Interactive learning in the conditions of higher education" (Bishkek, KGUSTA).

Приёмная: 0312545718
Телефон: +996551060769
Кабинет: 210