Imanalieva Gulzat M.
Senior Lecturer
Education: Higher, Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas, Specialty: "Prospecting and exploration of oil and gas fields" Qualification: "engineer" (2003), Institute of International Economics at KSU named after I. Arabaev, economist (2012), postgraduate study (2018)
Professional activity:
2016 - present: Institute of Mining and Mining Technologies named after academician U. Asanaliev, at KSTU named after I. Razzakov, lecturer, senior lecturer.
2003 - 2011: GEOSTREAM SERVICES GROUP ZAO "ENCONCO" (Engineering Consulting Company), Moscow, Russia, specialist of the geology department
Scientific and educational activities:
Published 5 articles 3 guidelines. Conducts lectures and practical classes on the subjects "Geology and geochemistry of oil and gas", "Oil and gas provinces of Tien Shan and foreign countries", "Development and operation of oil and gas fields", "Systems for collecting and preparing well products", "Geology and geochemistry of oil and gas", "Fundamentals of oil and gas business", "Transportation and storage of oil and gas". Supervises students' final qualifying work.
Awards: Certificates of honor of KSTU named after I. Razzakov