Erokhin Sergey A.
Associate Professor, Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences
Education and specialty. Higher. Frunze Polytechnic Institute, Faculty of Mining and Geology. Qualification: Mining Engineer-Hydrogeologist (1974). Defense of a dissertation on the topic "Monitoring the Outburst Hazard of Mountain Lakes in Kyrgyzstan" (2012).
Work experience. Scientific and production experience is 47 years.
From 1999 to the present, Institute of Water Problems and Hydropower of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic, research fellow, head of the Laboratory of hazardous exogenous hydrogeological processes.
1978 - to the present, State Enterprise "Kyrgyz Complex Hydrogeological Expedition" of the Water Resources Service of the Ministry of Water Agriculture of the Kyrgyz Republic, hydrogeologist, detachment leader, party leader.
1978 - 1983. Institute of Geology, Institute of Physics and Mathematics of the Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz SSR, senior engineer, junior research fellow, project manager.
1974 - 1978 Balykchy hydrogeological party of the Kyrgyz complex hydrogeological expedition of the Geology Department of the Kyrgyz SSR, driller, hydrogeologist technician, hydrogeologist, head of the Issyk-Kul section.
1975 - 1976 Engineer of the Ala-Bel avalanche station of the Hydrometeorological Service of the Kyrgyz SSR.
During his working career, he compiled 45 production and 25 scientific reports. He is the author of 35 published articles and co-author of 8 monographs. Participated in projects of the ISTC, the Asian Development Bank, to study landslide and mudflow processes, outburst-hazardous mountain lakes, flooding. From 2004 to 2010, he was the responsible executor of work on behalf of the Kyrgyz Republic in a joint project of the Czech Republic and Kyrgyzstan to study mountain outburst-hazardous lakes. Since 2007, he has been the organizer and executor of work on the construction and operation of the unique Czech-Kyrgyz high-mountain lake-glaciological hydrometeorological station "Adygene". He was one of the organizers of 3 international conferences "Reducing the risk of natural disasters in the mountains" in September 2009 (Bishkek), in September 2011 (Dushanbe), in September 2013 (Issyk-Kul). Author of the monograph "Outburst-hazardous lakes of Kyrgyzstan", 2020.
Since 2018, he has been studying mountain springs in order to assess the groundwater reserves of hydrogeological massifs and use them for water supply.
In 2019-22, he assessed the depletion of groundwater reserves at already exploited fields.
In 2021-22, he searched for water supply sources for mining enterprises with an assessment of groundwater reserves and their approval in the State Reserves Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic.
Topics of production work: survey of quaternary deposits, hydrogeological, engineering-geological, geological and geomorphological surveys at a scale of 1:50000 of the territory of the Republic. Engineering and geological surveys for various types of construction in the mountainous regions of the Chui, Issyk-Kul and Naryn depressions. Exploration of groundwater deposits. Study of hazardous exogenous geological processes: mudflows, landslides, rockfalls and rockfalls, flooded and flooded areas on the territory of Kyrgyzstan.
Topics of scientific work: I - study of processes: sea formation; glacial sedimento- and lithogenesis; formation of mountain lake baths; landslides and rockfalls; flooding and underflooding; II - development of models: mountain lake breakthroughs; transformation of water flows into mudflows; III - development of a methodology for determining mudflow and flood damage zones; IV - geological factors of formation of groundwater deposits.
Taught disciplines: Soil mechanics, Methodology of engineering and geological surveys, Environmental assessment and examination of georisks, Engineering geodynamics, supervision of final theses of students and postgraduates.
Awards. "Honored Worker of the Geological Service of the Kyrgyz Republic".