Chokmorova Ainura Myrzabekovna

Chokmorova Ainura Myrzabekovna
Head of the Department

Ainura Myrzabekovna Chokmorova began her career in May 2003 as a teacher assistant at the foreign languages ​​department at the Kyrgyz State Technical University named after I.Razzakov. From 2005 to 2010, she worked as an English teacher in the same department, and since October 2010, she was transferred to the position of acting docent. From 2006 to 2010 Chokmorova A.M. was the deputy head of the department for academic work, as well as responsible for holding the Olympiad.

From October 2010, Chokmorova A.M. was appointed to the position of Acting Head of the Foreign Languages Department. In December 2013 and then April 3, 2019 Chokmorova A.M. was elected by the scientific board of the University to the post of head of the department, associate professor of the same department.

Chokmorova A.M. constantly engaged in improving their qualification level. In 2015, she underwent training at the University of Essex in England, and in 2016 at the University of A.Pescaara, Italy in the framework of TEMPUS FLEPP (Foreign Languages Education for Professional Purpose) project. In 2017, having won a personal grant to take a 2-month course in New Delhi, India under the ITEC program. And graduated from it with Award of Excellence.  According to the results of these trainings, in May 2016, the Department of Foreign Languages ​​of KSTU held a seminar training for all interested English teachers of the cities of Bishkek, Naryn, Karakol, where A. Chokmorova acted as a moderator of that seminar. In April 2018, Chokmorova A.M. participated as a presenter at the Central Asian Conference of English Language Teachers (CATEC 2018) in Almaty, Kazakhstan.

Chokmorova A.M. have been doing a great work on the development of international relations. Fruitful work with the U.S Embassy in Kyrgyzstan provides an opportunity for teachers of the department to improve their skills in teaching methods.

Today, the Department of Foreign Languages ​​with the support of the U.S Embassy in the Kyrgyz Republic has Fulbright English teacher specialist Miss Morgan Chadderton, who conducts English courses for students and university staff in English proficiency levels.

           For achievements in the scientific and methodological work of her, Ainura Chokmorova awarded a certificate of honor of KTU. For many years of diligent work, progress in work, responsible attitude to his duties and in honor of the 60th anniversary of FPI-KSTU, she was awarded the commemorative medal "KSTU-60 years", the Honorary Diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic.

Chokmorova A.M. is married, has four children.

Profiles in scientometric databases:

1. ORCID :

2. Scopus Author ID: Ainura Chokmorova

3. РИНЦ Author ID: SPIN-kod 2213-8224

4. Google Scholar: Айнура Чокморова

5. : Ainura Chokmorova

Приёмная: 0312 56-13-40

Кабинет: 2 / 605


Стаж работы: 23 years