Mamatova Kymbat Burgobaevna

Mamatova Kymbat Burgobaevna
Сandidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Acting Associate Professor


From 1972 to 1977 student of the Osh Pedagogical Institute, (OSPI) faculty of foreign languages.

Work experience:

From 1980 to 1984 English teacher of secondary school No. 19 in Dushanbe. From 1984 to 2005 English teacher of secondary school No. 3 named after. M.Lomonosov,in Osh.

Since 2005 English teacher of the department of foreign languages of the KSUCTA.

In 2019, she defended her Ph.D. thesis on the topic “Methods of teaching the Kyrgyz language as a second language in the conditions of multilingual education in higher educational institutions.”


Author of the textbook "British speech etiquette" under the stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science and more than 45 scientific articles, about 16 methodological developments.

Professional Development:

She passed a number of advanced training courses in her specialty and in other areas in Bishkek and Moscow.  She also completed a language internship in Switzerland in the city of Geneva EC VENTURE CAPITAL S.A. received a certificate under the program “Developing interpreter skills in English language”. Has more than 30 certificates.


An honorary diploma from KSUCTA.

Language: Kyrgyz(native), Russian, English and German

Profiles in scientometric databases:

1. ORCID :

2. Scopus Author ID: 182371723

3. РИНЦ Author ID: SPIN-kod 4724-8937

4. Google Scholar:Кымбат Маматова

5. :Kymbat Mamatova

Приёмная: 0312561340

Кабинет: 2/605


Стаж работы: 42 years