Sharsheeva Meerim Omurbekovna

Sharsheeva Meerim Omurbekovna
Senior teacher


2001-2005 Higher College of English in KSTU named after I.Razzakov.

2007-2010 Kyrgyz State University named after

 I.Arabaev, «Linguistics», Specialty: Philologist, teacher of English.

Work experience:

2005– 2019 KSTU named after I. Razzakov, Foreign languages department, senior teacher

Publications: 10 scientifically and scientific-methodological works.

Language proficiency: Kyrgyz – native language, Russian and English – work language.


  • February,  2011 «Modern Teaching Methodology » The Kyrgyz Republic Ministry of Foreign affairs Diplomatic Academy
  • June,2012.  «Interactive methods of teaching in higher» КSU named after I.Arabaev.
  • May,2013. «Innovative methods of teaching English language and literature»КSU named after I.Arabaev.
  • October, 2013  Linguistic preparation of  non-linguistic  students in the higher schools in the frame of Bologna process and European recommendations in studying, teaching and evaluation of languages. Odessa, Ukraine.
  • June ,2014. «Organization of studying process applying distant Education technologies on the bases of credit technologies» KSTU named after I.Razzakov.
  • May,2015 «Tempus project Foreign Languages Education for Professional Purposes seminar on foreign language teaching methods»
  • Аpril, 2015«Professional development workshops conducted by Bee Jenkins, English Language Fellow at Kyrgyz National University»
  • Оctober,2015  Linguistic preparation of  non-linguistic  students in the higher schools in the frame of Bologna process and European recommendations in studying, teaching and evaluation of languages. Odessa, Ukraine.
  • June,2018 «Professional competence of teachers and information communicational technologies in studying higher schools» КSU named after I.Arabaev.
  • June, 2018 «Pedagogical aspects of professional activates and innovative technologies in Education » КSU named after I.Arabaev.
  • June, 2019 «Annual National Teachers of English Conference 2019»

Awards: thanks with entering in the personal file, honorary diploma of KSTU named after I.Razzakov.

Profiles in scientometric databases:

1. ORCID :

2. Scopus Author ID: Meerim Sharsheeva

3. РИНЦ Author ID: SPIN-kod 6412-7193

4. Google Scholar: Мээрим Шаршеева

5. : Meerim Sharsheeva

Приёмная: 0312 56-13-40

Кабинет: 2 / 605


Стаж работы: 18 years