Taschtobaeva Burul Eshimbekovna

Tashtobaeva Burul Eshimbekovna
Ph.D. Professor


Academic degree: Candidate of Technical Sciences
Academic title: Professor.
In 1989, she graduated from the Tashkent Textile Institute of Light Industry. Specialty "Design of sewing products". Qualification – engineer. From 1995-1998. postgraduate studies in St. Petersburg, 1998. thesis defense at St. Petersburg State University of Economics.
1989-1990 - designer of the 5th category.
1990 - 2000 – Senior lecturer at the Department of "Technology of Light Industry Products (TILP)" of I.Razzakov KSTU
2000 - 2005 – Associate Professor of the Department of TILP at I.Razzakov KSTU
2005 - 2007 – Head of the Department of Education Quality Management at I.Razzakov KSTU
2005 – 2011 - Director of the Department of Education Quality of I.Razzakov KSTU
From 2012 to the present – Scientific Secretary of the I.Razzakov KSTU
From 2017 to the present – Professor of the TILP Department of I.Razzakov KSTU
Participation in contractual projects of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic:
"Development of the information system "Office Registrar"", 2007.
"Development of a university quality management system", 2008.
"Scientific and methodological foundations and organizational and economic mechanisms for ensuring the availability of high-quality higher engineering education" 2010.
Participation in international projects:
GIZ: "Strengthening Cooperation Mechanisms in the Kyrgyz Vocal Training System and Improving Labor Market Instruments". Expert, 2022.;
Erasmus+ Programme: "Development of Financial Autonomy of Universities in Kyrgyzstan”. Researcher, 2022-25;
ADB: "Sector Development Program: Skills for Inclusive Growth". Expert, 2020;
GIZ: “Promoting employment and vocational training in Kyrgyzstan”. Expert, 2021-2022.
TEMPUS-TACIS: “QUADRIGA - Qualification Structure in Central Asia: Bologna-based principles and regional coordination”. National Project Coordinator, 2012-2015.
TEMPUS: "Transfer of models of management quality functions and processes KGTU", member of the working group, 2007-2008.
Research work:
The leadership of the research of undergraduates.
Participation in international and national scientific-practical and scientific-technical conferences, seminars.
Honorary diplomas of I. Razzakov KSTU; Honorary Diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic; Excellent Student of Education of the Kyrgyz Republic; Honorary Diploma of the State Communications Agency under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic; Honorary Diploma of the National Language Commission under the President of the Kyrgyz Republic.
Methodical work:
Chairman of the section of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic in the direction of "The Art of costume and textiles"
Member of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic in the direction of "Technology and design of light industry products"
Member of the interdepartmental working group on the development of the National Qualification System of the Kyrgyz Republic.
Works: Author of more than 100 scientific and educational works.
Subjects taught:
- Design and technological preparation of production 1;
- Fundamentals of scientific research automation systems;
- Design modeling of clothing;
- CO with CAD elements;
- CAD in design and TILP
1.Google Scholar: Tashtobaeva B.E.
2. ORCID:0000-0001-7912-2438
3. RSCI AuthorID: SPIN code: 7042-3130, AuthorID: 877838

Приёмная: 0(312) 54-51-62

Телефон: +996 772 331 522

Кабинет: 1/276

e-mail: bet75kstu@kstu.kg

Стаж работы: 31