Otunchieva Ainura Kartaiganovna

Otunchieva Ainura Kartayganova

In 1988, she graduated from the Tashkent Institute of Textile and Light Industry named after Yu. Akhunbabayev with a degree in Sewing Technology. 
     Since 1989, she has worked as a foreman at the 1st May sewing company. In 1995, she was accepted as a lecturer at the Department of Technology and Design of Sewing Products. In 2004, she was transferred to the position of senior lecturer at the same department. In 2010, she was transferred to the position of associate professor. In 2017, she was transferred to the position of senior lecturer.  In 2019, after passing the competition, he was transferred to the position of associate professor. The total work experience is 31 years, the experience of scientific and pedagogical activity is 25 l.
      Over the past five years, 19 methodological guidelines and 10 scientific articles have been developed and published, including 3 textbooks in the Kyrgyz language, 2 manuals approved by the Ministry of Education of the Kyrgyz Republic, with a volume of 4.0 printed sheets.  In the 2016-2017 academic year, she participated in the "Best UMK" competition and was awarded a certificate for participation. She took an active part in the interfaculty competition "Sarmerden", was awarded the certificate of A.K. Otunchieva. She continues scientific research in the chosen direction. He regularly reports the results at scientific and technical conferences and seminars, and publishes them in print. 
Direction of scientific work: "Development of composite materials using mineral fibers", "Heritage and development of Kyrgyz national clothing"
Awards: gratitude with entry in the work book, Certificate of Honor of I.Razzakov KSTU; Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Defense and the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic, Jubilee medal in honor of the 60th anniversary of I.Razzakov KSTU,Excellent student of education, Associate professor titles, Gratitude to Zhogorku Kenesh KR
Conducted disciplines:
- Sewing technology;
- Design and cut;
- Machines and apparatuses of sewing enterprises;
- Industry technology;
- Technology of sewing production;
- Supervises coursework;
- Supervises the final qualification work.
Profiles in scientometric databases:
1.Google Scholar: Ainura Otunchieva
2. ORCID:  0000-0001-8787-8016
3. ResearherID Web of Science: U-8823-2017

Приёмная: 0312-56-24-56

Телефон: +996 705 99 92 14

Кабинет: 2/311

e-mail: aotunchieva@kstu.kg ОРСИД 0000-0001-8787-8016

Стаж работы: 32