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Partner der Industrie

The Department of Mechanical Engineering Technology has a number of agreements with enterprises in Bishkek and other regions of the country, with which contracts have been concluded. Previously, individual meetings were held with each enterprise, and regulations on practical training at their enterprises were agreed upon. In accordance with the State Higher Professional Education Standard for bachelor's and master's degrees 650300 Mechanical Engineering and 650100 Materials Science and Technology, training, research, production and pre-qualification practices are provided. Practical training programs are attached (Appendices The practice is implemented on the basis of the Regulation (Appendix). "On the organization of practical training of students of the I. Razzakov Kyrgyz State Technical University" in accordance with the Academic Calendar (BACMAGPhD). To complete the internship, the department submits a report with lists of students, places of internship and supervisors from the university. Then, based on the report, an order is issued, and letters to enterprises are prepared. The Department works closely with the leading industrial enterprises of the country, such as Avtomash-Radiator LLC, Dastan TNK, Matkasymov LLC, Metallurg Company LLC and others.

Database of places for practical training,including Contracts with enterprises and organizations

1. Avtomash-Radiator LLC

2. JSC TNK "Dastan"

3. ОсОО «Маткасымов»

4. Bishkek Center for Testing, Certification and Metrology under the Ministry of Energy of the Kyrgyz Republic

5. Desa Engineering LLC

6. Megavents LLC

7. Ala-Tash LLC

8. Kyrgyzindustria OJSC

9. Kyrgyzaltyn OJSC

10. ОсОО «Кыргыз унаа курулуш»

11. State Enterprise Kyrgyzavtozhol, Osh branch

12. BBK international Fachkraftegewinnung UG

Along with the fact that students of the Department of TM undergo all types of internships at enterprises with which contracts are concluded, there is also close cooperation between the department's employees and these enterprises. This interaction is necessary in order to improve the quality of education within the framework of the PLO, so together with the Department of TM and industry partners, various meetings of various types are held: round tablesproduction meetingsproduction meetings and others. As a result of these meetings, new tasks appear for public organizations, which the Department of TM solves together with industry partners.

Data on employers and vacancies