Moldokanova Dinara Amanturovna

Moldokanova Dinara Amanturovna
Senior lecturer

Deputy Director for the Quality of Education at the Institute of Technology and senior lecturer at the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Technologies.

Graduated from the KSPU named after I.Arabaev, Faculty of Chemistry and Biology, specialty “Chemistry with an additional specialty “Biology”. Graduated from the Master's degree program of the I.Arabaev KSU Faculty of Biology and Chemistry in the direction of “Natural science education” specialization: chemical education.

Work experience:

from 2000 to 2004 - I. Arabaev KSPU, laboratory assistant at the Department of Chemistry and Technology of its Training;

from 2004 to 2012 she worked at the Bishkek State University of Economics and Entrepreneurship, now the Kyrgyz University of Economics. She began her career at KEU as a senior methodologist of the educational department and combined it with the position of a teacher.

From September 2012 to 2017, she worked at the Department of Chemistry and Life Safety at the Institute of Ecology and Energy Conservation of KSUCTA.

From 2012-2014 – training master of the Department of Chemistry and Life Safety;

From September 2014 to 2017 - Head of the laboratory and senior lecturer at the same department;

From 2017 to 2022, she was a senior lecturer and head of the Laboratory of the Department of Physics and Applied Chemistry at the Institute of Transport, Communications and Ecology at the I. Isanov KSUCTA;

Since September 2022, she has been working as a senior lecturer at the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Technologies of the Kyrgyz State Technical University named after I. Razzakov.

The total work experience is 23 years (teaching experience is 15 years).

Types of pedagogical work performed: lecture, laboratory, practical. Developed and published 1 textbook on general chemistry with the stamp of the Ministry of Education of the Kyrgyz Republic (Textbook on general chemistry of the KSUCTA named after N.Isanov, 2015. – 214s.) and 2 methodological guidelines - methodological guidelines on general chemistry in the state language (methodological guide "General chemistry" by Kmktau named after N. Isanova, 2020.-82 p.), methodical instruction ("Organic chemistry" KSUCTA named after N.Isanov, 2021, – 72s.). Currently, scientific work is being conducted in the direction of ”Regularities of obtaining nanoscale tungsten carbide from hard alloys by the method of electric spark dispersion". Articles have been published: "Phase composition and dispersion of products of electrospray dispersion of hard alloy VK8" (journal Izvestia of Universities No. 2, 2015), "Implementation of interdisciplinary connections in the lessons of inorganic chemistry" (journal Science, new technologies and innovations of Kyrgyzstan No. 2, 2018), "Requirements for the creation of electronic learning tools" (journal Science, new technologies and Innovations of Kyrgyzstan No.8, 2018), “Implementation of meaningful  and practical approach to teaching chemistry " (journal Science, new Technologies and Innovations of Kyrgyzstan No.11, 2020), "Pectin substances " (journal Vestnik of KSUCTA No. 2 (76), volume 2., 2022 517-522), "Implementation of humanistic technology of education in teaching chemistry"(journal Science, new Technologies and innovations of Kyrgyzstan No. 3, 2023), "Application of innovative technologies in teaching chemistry" (journal Vestnik of Kyrgyzstan No. 2., 2023).

Contact information: e-mail:, office phone number. (0312) 561502.

Profiles in scientometric databases:

1. ORCID: 0009-0000-0069-8902

2. Google Scholar: Dinara Moldokanova

3. Web of Science ResearcherID: HPB-5639-2023

4. Scopus Author ID: Dinara Moldokanova

5. РИНЦ AuthorID: Spin - код :

6. Dinara Moldokanova

Приёмная: mob. 996-502208010

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