Kudaibergenova Dinara Sabyrovna

Kudaibergenova Dinara Sabyrovna
Senior lecturer

Kudaibergenova D.S. graduated in 1996 from the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology of the Zh. Balasagyn KNU with a degree in Chemistry, in 1998 she graduated from the Central Research Institute of KNU in the direction of "Chemical Technology and Biotechnology" with the assignment of a qualifying academic degree "Master" (specialty – technology of refractory, non-metallic silicate materials).

She has been working at the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Technology since 2005. She started as an engineer, then was the head of laboratories, simultaneously combining with teaching. Since 2015 – senior lecturer, conducts all types of classes – lectures, laboratory, practical in chemistry, inorganic chemistry, physical and colloidal chemistry.Responsible for the scientific work of the department.

She was awarded a Certificate of Honor of I.Razzakov KSTU, a Gold medal for the development of nanotechnology, a certificate in nanotechnology. 16 articles have been published.

ORCID: https://orcid.org/ 0000-0002-3263-3019

Profiles in scientometric databases:

Приёмная: 56-15-02

Кабинет: 1/404

e-mail: kudaibergenova.dinara@kstu.kg

Стаж работы: 18