Abdykerimova Aliman Sarypbekovna

Abdykerimova Aliman Sarypbekovna
Candidate of сhemical sciences, associate professor of the Department of HIhT.

Abdykerimova Aliman Sarypbekovna, born in 1956, Kyrgyz, higher education, graduated in 1978 from the Kyrgyz State University named after the 50th anniversary of the USSR.

She started her career as a senior laboratory assistant in the Laboratory of Natural Steroid Chemistry at the Institute of Organic Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz SSR. At the Kyrgyz State Technical University named after I. Razzakov (FPI) it has been operating since 1990: - from 1990 to 1992, in the Department of Physico-chemical research in the PNILSM laboratory of the Faculty of Mining and Geology, she was engaged in physico-chemical studies of the composition of rocks, ores, ore minerals, carried out work on the development and implementation of a new methodology for determining the content of precious and rare metals in rocks.

- since 1992, he has been a lecturer at the Department of Chemistry of the Faculty of Technology of the FPI.

In 1995, she completed postgraduate studies at the Kyrgyz Technical University.

In 2010 , she defended her PhD thesis on: "Formation of metal and carbon nanostructures under extreme conditions of pulsed plasma". He has more than 54 scientific and methodological works.

A.S. Abdykerimova actively participates in the social life of the university: Deputy Dean for Distance Learning (1992-1994), Deputy Dean for ODA (2001-2003), head of the 1st and 2nd courses (2005-2007), curator 1997-2011. responsible for the educational work of the department, responsible for work in the dormitory, responsible for NIRS (2010 - 2019), Secretary of the department.

Abdykerimova A.S. is a disciplined, conscientious teacher, is respected in the team and among students.

Awarded with a Certificate of Honor MO and Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic and Certificate of Honor of I. Razzakov KSTU, "Excellent Student of Education of the Kyrgyz Republic".

ORCID: https://orcid.org/ 0000-0002-9828-9150


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