Sherimbekova Elzat

Sherimbekova Elzat
Senior lecturer

Education: Higher education:
2001-2006: graduated from the Kyrgyz State University of Construction, Transport and Architecture, Institute of New Information Technologies, specialty "Applied Mathematics and Computer Science", qualification: mathematician, system programmer.
Master's degree: 2009-2011 Kyrgyz State University of Construction, Transport and Architecture named after N.Isanov, in the field of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science.
Postgraduate studies: 2020-2024 Kyrgyz State Technical University, Department: Applied Informatics. Specialty: 05.13.16 - “Application of computer technology, mathematical modeling and mathematical methods in scientific research". 
The main stages of labor activity
- 2006-2018 teacher, KGUSTA named after N. Isanov
- since 2019, senior lecturer, KSTU named after I. Razzakov
Honorary diploma of the KGUST named after N.Isanov (2021).
Honorary diploma of the Congress of Women of the Kyrgyz Republic (2021).
More than 9 printed works have been published.
Professional development
1. Certificate of advanced training in the field of Engineering pedagogy (72 hours). Engineering and Pedagogical Qualification Center, KGUSTA, from 03/25/12/2021.
2. “Engineering pedagogy". Engineering and Pedagogical Center for Advanced Training, KGUSTA named after N.Isanov.
3. “Ilimiy makala: The form of Jean mazmunu". 72 saattyk training seminar “MEDIA CAREER” mektebi Bishkek sh.
4. “Kep technikasy". 72 saattyk training seminar “MEDIA CAREER” mektebi Bishkek sh.
Profiles in scientometric databases
1.    ScopusID: 
2.    Google Scholar:   
3.    ResearcherID Web of Science:  
4.    ORCID:   
5.    RSCI: 
6.    ResearchGate:

Кабинет: 2 campus, 8/411
