[Translate to English:] Атантаев Истанбек Акматович

Atantaev Istanbek Akmatovich
Doctor of Economics, Professor

Atantaev Istanbek Akmatovich

Professor of Economics (2004).

Education: graduated from the FPI with a degree in Economics and Construction Management with an extended program in automated control systems (1973).

The main stages of labor activity: FPI –KSTU named after I.Razzakov: teacher, senior lecturer, associate professor, head of the department, dean of the faculty, director of the Institute, vice-rector. Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Kyrgyz Republic – Head of the Department of Economic Policy. KNU named after J.Balasagyn – Vice-rector.

Awards: Certificate of Merit of the Ministry of Education of the Kyrgyz Republic, Excellent Student of Education of the Kyrgyz Republic.

Publications: 84 works have been published, including: 3 monographs, 1 textbook, 3 textbooks under the stamp of the Ministry of Education of the Kyrgyz Republic, 1 teaching manual, 10 scientific articles published abroad in German.

The topic of the doctoral dissertation: "Problems of functioning of enterprises in modern conditions".

Main works:

Problems of functioning of enterprises in modern conditions (monograph). I.Razzakov KSTU IC "Teknik", Bishkek, 2007. 322 p.
Problems and prospects of internal and external integration of enterprises of the Kyrgyz Republic (monograph). KGUSTA and I.Isanova. Bishkek, 2011. 204 p.
Problems of investment project management (monograph). I.Razzakov KSTU IC "Teknik", Bishkek, 2017. 164 p.
Grunde des Betriesfaktoren in der KR und der Kriesen Uberwindung / Das Buch “Social economic Revue” Bratislava , 2005.- S. 25 – 33.
Fragen der Vervolkommung der Organisationsstruktur der Leitung/ Heft 25, Braunschweig , 1992.- S. 40-48.
Fundamentals of business organization (textbook). KNU im. Zhusupa Balasagyna., Publishing house "Turar", Bishkek, 2002. 211 p.
Ondurushtuk sistemany bashkaruu (okuu kuraly). I.Razzakov atyndagy KMTU, BB “Teknik”, Bishkek, 2017 . 176 b.
Subjects taught: Strategic management, Strategic Analysis, Production system management.