[Translate to English:] Дуйшеналиева Зарина Токтоналиевна

Duishenalieva Zarina Toktonalieva
senior lecturer

Duishenalieva Zarina Toktonalievna

Education: Kyrgyz State National University  "Economist" by profession   Specialization: "Accounting and audit".

Work experience:

From 2021 - Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs.

 Since 2016 - Senior Lecturer of the Department of "Management" of the Faculty of Engineering and Economics of KSTU. I. Razzakova.

 Since 2012 – 2015 Head of the Department for International Relations and Marketing, IEiF KNU named after Zh. Balasagyn.

From 2011 -2012 Head of the Department of Marketing and Practice and part-time Senior Lecturer of the Department of Finance.

From 2009-20011 Art. laboratory assistant of the department "Accounting and Accounting" of the Institute of Economics and Finance of the KNU. J. Balasagyn.

From 2002-2009 - teacher at school No. 39 named after. B. Alymova

Diplomas: Rector's Honorary Diploma

Certificates: Certificate of International Business School ACBSP USA

Certificate of professional development for the program: For teachers of chinese as a foreign language "Xinjiang Pedagogical University (PRC)



Приёмная: 0312-56-16-20

Телефон: 0701188009

Кабинет: 2/502

e-mail: zarina78@list.ru

Стаж работы: 13 лет