Koenaliev Kylychbek Karmyshevich

Koenaliev Kylychbek Karmyshevich

- 1976-1980 Frunze Art College, Pedagogical Department, specialization "Painting"
- 1980-1982 service in the SA.
- 1984-89 Ukrainian Polygraphic Institute, specialty "Graphics"
Work experience:
- 1983 junior art editor, artist-retoucher at the Mektep publishing house of the State Committee for Publishing of the Kyrgyz Republic.
- since 1989 senior art editor
- from 1991 to 2006, the chief artist in the publishing house "Kyrgyzstan" of the Ministry of Press and Information, further transformed into the State JSC "Akyl" 

- 2006-2007 Academy of Arts of the Kyrgyz Republic Art. teacher
- since 2007 at KSTU. I. Razzakova Senior Lecturer
- since 2010, passing the competition for the position of associate professor
- 2015 re-passing the competition for the post of associate professor of KSTU
- since 2018, the head of the "Higher School of Design" KSTU. I. Razzakova
- 2020-2022 Director of the Training and Production Center of the Higher School of Design of KSTU named after. I. Razzakova
- 2022 head of the department "Design"

- 2006 was awarded the Honorary Diploma of the Kyrgyz Republic
- 2005 was awarded the Honorary Diploma of the Ministry of Economy of the Kyrgyz Republic.
- 2004 was awarded the Honorary Diploma of the Ministry of Defense of the Kyrgyz Republic.
- 2010 was awarded the Honorary Diploma of KSTU. I. Razzakova
- 2019 - medal for special services to KSTU           

- 2022 "KYRGYZ LANGUAGE" badge for the great contribution to the development of the state language of the Kyrgyz Republic                                                                                                                                                                                          - 2002 elected as a Member of the Board of the State JSC "Akyl"
- 2006-2008 Member of the Board of Directors of JSC "Kyrgyzpolygraphkombinaty"
- since 1988 Member of the Union of Journalists of the USSR
- since 2000 Member of the Union of Artists of the Kyrgyz Republic and the International Confederation of the Union of Artists
- since 2009 Member of the Technical and Expert Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic on teaching materials

Телефон: 0559550007

Кабинет: 2/330

e-mail: koenaliev@kstu.kg

Гр.работы: с 9-00 до 16-00

Стаж работы: 16 16 years