The purpose and educational objectives of the Department of Design
Goal: creating conditions for the development, self-development, self-realization of the personality of students - a person mentally and physically healthy, humane, spiritual and free, socially mobile, in demand in modern society.
The purpose of educational work at the Department of Design is to create favorable conditions that promote the development of social and cultural competence of the graduate's personality, physically and spiritually developed, oriented towards traditional values, loving her Homeland and family, responsible for the fate of the country, capable of active social adaptation in society and independent life choice, ready to start working and the continuation of professional education, to the disclosure of creative potential, respecting the rights and freedoms of another person.
The main directions of the curator's work are: familiarization of students with the organization of the educational process, the charter of the University, the Rules of residence in the dormitory, the Rules of internal labor regulations of I.Razzakov KSTU, the rights and duties of students; creation of an organized cohesive team in a group, work on the formation of the group's asset; work on the adaptation of students in a new learning system, creation of an atmosphere of friendly relations between teachers and students; assistance to the student group's assets in organizational work, assistance in attracting students to research work and the development of various forms of student self-government; informing the head of the department, teachers of the department about educational affairs in the student group, about the requests, needs and moods of students.
The achievement of this goal will be achieved by solving the following tasks:
the development of a worldview and the actualization of the system of basic values of the individual; familiarization of students with universal norms of morality, national foundations and academic traditions; fostering respect for the law, the norms of collective life, the development of civil and social responsibility as the most important personality trait manifested in caring for one's country, preserving human civilization; fostering a positive attitude to work, developing the need for creative work, preserving and enhancing traditions, forming a sense of university solidarity and corporate identity among students; ensuring the development of personality and its socio-psychological support, the formation of personal qualities necessary for effective professional activity; identification and support of talented youth, formation of organizational skills, creative potential, involvement of students in the processes of self-development and self-realization; formation of a culture and ethics of professional communication; education of the inner need of the individual for a healthy lifestyle, responsible attitude to the natural and socio-cultural environment; raising the level of culture of safe behavior; The purpose, objectives and conditions of educational work are realized through its main directions and a set of targeted programs developed as needs and priorities arise, taking into account the competence model of the graduate's personality.
Cultural and creative direction
the study of the talents, abilities and interests of students, their inclusion in the creative teams of KSTU, the organization of cultural and leisure activities of students; conducting various contests, festivals, holidays, theatrical performances organization of visits to museums, exhibitions, theaters, film screenings, concerts; organization of meetings with creative people, writers, artists, artists; book presentations, literary evenings; Scientific and educational direction
involvement of students in scientific activities; organization of Olympiads, contests, conferences, round tables on priority scientific areas of the University; organization and stimulation of students' participation in Olympiads, competitions, conferences of various levels. Sports and recreation, including physical education and sports
participation of University students in student sports games, championships, competitions in various sports; students' participation in mass sports and wellness events dedicated to World AIDS Day,
World No Tobacco Day
organizing and conducting awareness-raising seminars and trainings on reproductive health, prevention of drug addiction, alcoholism, tobacco smoking, HIV and the basics of a healthy lifestyle; Environmental direction
involving students in solving those environmental problems that are relevant conducting research activities - environmental studies to assess the state of the environment. Working with foreign students
Creation, implementation and development of support services for foreign students (informational, social, socio-cultural, linguistic), assistance to social, cultural, socio-academic and psychological adaptation of foreign citizens.