Kubatova Nazgul Kubatovna

Nazgul Kubatova

2010-2015 IGD and GT im. acad. U.Asanalieva, Faculty of Geology and Exploration. Engineer in the direction of "Technology and technology of exploration of MPI".
2016-2020. Liaoning shihua university Master of engineering in oil and gas well engineering.

Profiles in scientometric databases:

1. ScopusID: 

2. Google Scholar:   Назгул Кубатова

3. ResearcherID Web of Science: HOA-7049-2023

 4. ORCID: 0000-0003-0743-0639 

 5. RSCI: Authorid:

6. ResearchGate: Nazgul Kubatova

e-mail: nazgul.kubatova@kstu.kg