Bermet Abylmeizova
candidate of geographical sciences, associate professor
Academic degree: candidate of geographical sciences
1988-1993 Kyrgyz State University, faculty of biology, specialty - teacher of biology and chemistry
2005 Candidate of Geographical Sciences, specialty 25.00.23 - Physical geography, biogeography, soil geography and landscape geochemistry
Scientific projects:
2021- present "Analysis of the possibilities of forecasting and managing water and energy resources of the Kyrgyz Republic in the context of climate change and anthropogenic pressure"
2016-2020 "Development of scientific bases for monitoring water and hydro-energy resources of the main river basins of Northern Kyrgyzstan and the Naryn basin, taking into account climate change"
2011-2015 "Development of scientific bases for the use of water and land and hydropower resources of the Issyk-Kul-Chui region, taking into account climate change"
2009-2010 "Creation of a block of the information and reference system of the Issyk-Kul region for the management of water, land and hydropower resources in order to ensure the sustainable development of the region"
2009 National expert on the development of the project proposal "Concepts of chemicals management for Human security in Kyrgyzstan", UNDP "Environment Protection for Sustainable Development"
2002 –2003 “Sustainable development of mountain areas, their potential and response to various types of impact”
1997 "Assessment of mudflow hazard in the foothills and mid-mountain areas of the Issyk-Kul basin by geobotanical methods".
1993 “Study of spatio-temporal variability of natural and natural-anthropogenic geosystems of the Tien Shan for the purposes of assessing their current state and development forecast” in the section “Biogeographical aspects of degradation and restoration of mountain ecosystems in Kyrgyzstan”
Main publications:
1. Abylmeizova B.U., Kenzhebaeva N.V. The current state of mountain ecosystems in the Alamedin river basin of the Kyrgyz Ala-Too range. //Scientific research in the Kyrgyz Republic. HAC KR, Issue No. 2, Part II, Earth Sciences, Bishkek, 2020., p.5-17.
2. Toktoraliev E.T., Mukanbet kyzy E., Abylmeyizova B.U. /Life safety in technical and technogenic systems. Publishing house: International University of Information Technologies. Bishkek, 2019., 15 p.
3. Abylmeizova B.U., Elemanov O.I. Ecological assessment of mountain ecosystems in the Alamedin river basin and air pollution in the city of Bishkek. //Science, new technologies and innovations of Kyrgyzstan, No. 4, 2020., p.43-47.
4. Abylmeizova B.U., Kenzhebaeva N.V. Assessment of the ecological state of mountain ecosystems in the Shamsi river basin of the Kyrgyz Ala-Too ridge. //Science, new technologies and innovations of Kyrgyzstan, No. 4, 2021., p. 103-107.
5. Beishenkulova D.A., Abylmeizova B.U. / Guidelines for the course project on the discipline "Water supply, sanitation, rational use and protection of water resources" for students in the direction of "Technospheric safety". KSGU named after academician U. Asanaliev. Ch.P. "Ayazbekov Almazbek", Bishkek, 2021, 31s.
6. D. T. Chontoev, D. M. Mamatkanov, Sh. E. Usupaev, B. U. Abylmeizova, N. V. Kenzhebaeva, O. I. Elemanov, E. T. and others /Water and hydropower resources of Kyrgyzstan in the context of climate change. Chapter 5. Geoecological problems of the mountain systems of the Kyrgyz Tien Shan. Publishing house: "Authors' team", Bishkek 2022., 400p.
Profiles in scientometric databases:
1. ScopusID: Bermet Abylmeizova
2.Google Scholar: Bermet Abylmeizova
3. ResearcherID Web of Science: HGU-8056-2022
4. ORCID: 0000-0002-7250-2881
5. RSCI: Authorid:
6. Researcher Gate: