
The department has trained more than 70 electrical engineers and two candidates of technical sciences for the countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America. Among the graduates are two Doctors of Technical Sciences and more than 30 Candidates of Science, more than 50 Honoured Workers of the Kyrgyz Republic. Many of them have worked and are working in responsible state positions, became deputies of the Jogorku Kenesh of the Kyrgyz Republic.

The department is proud of its graduates, who have shown themselves as major specialists: J. T. Toktonaliev, E. T. Torobaev, A. S. Sultamuratov, B. I. I. Imanaliev, M. I. Komarov, T. D. Zhumaliev, T. R. Rakhimov, E. E. Eshimbekov, R. A. Abdykasymov, T. J. Kozhomkulov and many others. J. Kozhomkulov and many others.

Many graduates have held senior positions in the Kyrgyz Republic:

Ministers of Energy: A. I. Kalmambetov, K. A. Turdubaev.
Vice Prime Minister: B. N. Silaev.
Deputy Minister of Energy: R. A. Tyumenbaev. A. Tyumenbaev, R.S. Mamyrov.
Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry: B. V. Perfiliev.
Chairman of the Energy Holding Company: A. R. Kaliev.
Deputies of the Supreme Soviet, Jogorku Kenesh were: M. I. Komarov, E. T. Torobaev, T. J. Kozhomkulov, R. S. Mamyrov, V. S. Mamyrov, V. S. Mamyrov. S. Mamirov, V. G. Tolokontsev, R. O. Kachkeev.

A. S. Komarov, A. S. Sultamuratov were awarded State Prizes. Received the title of Honoured Worker of the Kyrgyz Republic: E. T. Torobaev, A. S. Sultamuratov, E. E. Eshimbekov, K. R. Rakhimov, T. R. Rakhimov. R. Rakhimov.

Honoured workers of industry became: K. A. Abasbekov, R. A. Abdykasymov, K. R. Rakhimov, T. R. Rakhimov. A. Abdykasymov, M. B. Baitikov, B. A. Botbaev, B. I. Imanaliev, T. D. Kozhomkulov, R.S. Mamirov, A.M. Moldoisayev, I.M Mukhranov, Z. A. Uzugaliev, A. N Israilov, J. M Nazarov, A. K. Tynymbekov, T. N. Brimkulov, D. Mambetzhanov, M. H. Iminov, T. A Atabaev, K. A. Ibraimov, O. K. Bakiev, A. I. Gordienko;

Honoured Builders: D. Toktonaliev, A. Turdubaev;

Honoured Workers of Agriculture: D.T. Zhumaliev.

Our graduates have always occupied and hold managerial positions:

Vodyanov A.S. : Director of "Electrosila" Ltd.
Daiyrov T.A. T.A. Daiyrov : First Deputy Director General of OJSC "Severelektro".
E.T. Kudanaliev : Director General of OJSC "NESK".
Rakhimov K.R. Rakhimov K.R. : Academician of Engineering Academy.
Astarkulov U.B. Astarkulov U.B. : Director General of OJSC "Severelektro"
Zhanybaev T.O. T.O. Zhanybaev : Deputy General Director of OJSC "Severelektro".
Daiyrov T.A. : First Deputy General Director for technical issues of JSC "Severelektro".
Deans of Energy Faculty: Rakhimov K. R., Kozlov A. N., Kadyrkulov S. S. S., Apyshev J. A.

Heads of Departments: Rakhimov K. R., Umetalieva A. U., Vasilenko I. N., Simakov Yu. S., Junuev T.A., Tokoev M.P.