Problematic and topical issues of the electric power industry of the KR for research by the research staff of the Department of Electric Power Engineering:
The scientific work of the department is currently closely related to the production process, which is reflected in the topics of scientific directions:
- Development of methods and computational algorithms for control of complex electric power systems with nonlinear dynamics and self-organisation.
- Development of methods for diagnostics and control of the operation process of electric power systems.
- The concept of the mountainous power transmission line in the conditions of CR.
- Diagnostics of 220-500 kV power transmission lines.
- Modelling, analysis and synthesis of the systems of stabilisation of parameters of small hydropower objects and electric networks. - Creation of the system of control and management of electric power losses in asymmetrical distribution electric networks.
- Ways to reduce power losses in 220-500 kV mountain power lines from corona discharge.
- Determination of fault locations of 110 kV and higher transmission lines (determination of error within 100 metres in the length of 500 km).
- Development of new methods of determining partial discharges in insulation.
- Study of ball lightning phenomena at short-circuit currents in networks of 6 kV and above.
- Development of a physical model of autonomous multiple small power plants to study the stability of their parallel operation on the load changing according to the stochastic law.
- Management of electromagnetic environment to ensure electromagnetic safety in electric power systems.
At the department the complex work on preparation of scientific personnel of the highest qualification is carried out.
The scientific potential at present consists of scientists, candidates for a scientific degree, doctoral students, post-graduate students: Dr. Sc. prof. KSTU Bakasova A.B., Ph, Candidate of Technical Sciences Prof. Suerkulov M.A., Candidate of Technical Sciences Prof. Rakhimov K.R., Candidate of Technical Sciences Associate Professor Takyrbashev B.K., Candidate of Technical Sciences Associate Professor Imanakunova Zh, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Taabaldieva N.D., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Junuev T.T., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Omokeeva A.A., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Kalmatov U.A., Senior Lecturer Zholdoshova B.M., Senior Lecturer Eralieva G.Sh, Senior lecturer Buzurmankulova Ch.M., Senior lecturer Abdymomunova A.K., lecturer Abdyldaeva M.T., lecturer Mamakeeva A.K., lecturer Sultanalieva G.M., lecturer Asan uulu A..
All post-graduate students undergo pedagogical practice, during which they improve their teaching skills. Postgraduates participate in research developments of their department and faculty as a whole, approbate the results of dissertation research during speeches at scientific conferences, publish scientific articles and teaching materials.
Efficiency of the department: In the creation of educational-methodical complexes (UMK): J. S. Imanakunova - I place in the republican competition "The best innovative educational-methodical complex, based on a competent approach, among educational institutions of the Kyrgyz Republic" 2014; N. D. Taabaldieva - winner of the contest "Best Senior Lecturer 2013".
Honoured teachers of the department were awarded with the signs of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic "Excellent Teacher" for their services in training engineering staff and improving the educational process: T.I. Popova - 2000, A.B. Bakasova - 2005, J.S. Imanakunova - 2014, K.M. Mambetova - 2016, N.D. Taabaldieva - 2017.
The following young teachers of the department are actively working on their PhD theses: Asan u. A., A. K. Mambetova - 2016, N. K. Mambetova - 2017, N. D. Taabaldieva - 2017. A., A.K. Mamakeeva, M.T. Abdyldaeva. - Development of new methods of determination of partial discharges in insulation.
Monographs of the Electric Power Engineering Department
Problematic and topical issues of the electric power industry of the KR for research by the research staff of the Department of Electric Power Engineering:
Development of methods and computational algorithms for control of complex electric power systems with nonlinear dynamics and self-organisation. Development of methods for diagnostics and control of the operation process of electric power systems. The concept of the mountainous power transmission line in the conditions of CR. Diagnostics of 220-500 kV power transmission lines. Modelling, analysis and synthesis of the systems of stabilisation of parameters of small hydropower objects and electric networks. - Creation of the system of control and management of electric power losses in asymmetrical distribution electric networks. Ways to reduce power losses in 220-500 kV mountain power lines from corona discharge. Determination of fault locations of 110 kV and higher transmission lines (determination of error within 100 metres in the length of 500 km). Development of new methods of determination of partial discharges in insulation. Studies of ball lightning phenomena at short-circuit currents in networks of 6 kV and higher. Development of a physical model of autonomous several small power stations for research of stability of their parallel work on load varying according to the stochastic law. Management of electromagnetic environment to ensure electromagnetic safety in electric power systems.
The international network scientific and technical conference of young scientists, postgraduates, bachelors and students "Scientific and innovative technologies: ideas, research and development" is held annually. Where bachelors, masters and postgraduates actively participate with reports on the results of scientific research, publish articles in the conference materials.