Stambekova G.A.

Stambekova Gulzada Anarkulovna
Senior Lecturer at the Department of Thermal Power Engineering

Education: KNU named after. Zh. Balasagyna, bachelor in the direction of “Chemical technology and biotechnology”; KSTU named after. I. Razzakova, specialty “Thermal power plants, qualification – engineer; KSTU named after. I. Razzakova, master’s degree in “Thermal Power Engineering and Heat Engineering” training program “Thermal Power Plants”.

Name of the discipline of the curriculum (program) for the courses of study:

Bachelor's degree:

3rd course:

1. “Auxiliary equipment and pipelines of thermal power plants”;

2. “Water preparation at thermal power plants.”

3. “Thermodynamics and heat transfer”

4th course:

1. “Environmental protection during the operation of thermal power systems”

master's degree:

1 course:

1. “Problems of energy and resource conservation in heat and power engineering”

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Стаж работы: 17 years