Nasirdinova S.M.

Nasirdinova Sairagul Mukhambetovna
Head of the department, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor.

Sairagul Mukhambetovna Nasirdinova graduated from the Thermal Power Engineering Faculty of the Tomsk Polytechnic Institute of the Russian Federation in 1990, with a degree in Automation of Thermal Power Processes.

At KSTU named after. I. Razzakova has been working since 1998 as a teacher at the Department of Electrical Power Engineering, from 2008 to the present - as a senior teacher, then since 2016 as an associate professor at the Department of Heat Engineering and BZD, then since July 1, 2018, she has been the head. Department of Thermal Power Engineering.

In the period from 2011 to 2015, she studied at the graduate school of KSTU named after I. Razzakov. In January 2016, she defended her PhD thesis in the direction: “Research and development of solar heating systems using seasonal heat storage”, specialty 05.14.08 – “Power installations based on renewable energies.” The work was carried out at the department of TT and BZD, as well as at the Research Institute of Energy and Communications at KSTU. I. Razzakova.

Currently, he continues his scientific activities on the topic: “Development and research of combined heat supply systems based on renewable energy sources,” and also actively participates in the process of training highly qualified scientific and teaching staff at KSTU.

During her time as a teacher, she conducted lectures, practical and laboratory classes in the following disciplines: “Design of heat exchange equipment”, “Theoretical foundations of heat engineering”, “Management in the energy sector”, “Thermal power plants”, “Mathematical foundations in heat power engineering”, “Physical foundations of heat and power engineering”, “Thermal control and automation”, and for masters he teaches classes in the following subjects:

“The principle of effective management in thermal power engineering”, “Mathematical modeling on a computer of physical processes in the thermal part of thermal power plants”, “Environmental safety of thermal power plants”, “Computer technologies in science and education”. Developed 5 teaching aids for bachelors, 8 teaching aids for masters.

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Стаж работы: 26 years