Imanalieva S.Zh.

Imanalieva Saltanat Zhumamudunovna
senior lecturer at the Department of Thermal Power Engineering

Position: senior teacher

Education: KSTU named after. I. Razzakova, bachelor in “Thermal Power Engineering and Heat Engineering”, profile “Thermal Power Plants”; I. Razzakova, master’s degree in “Thermal Power Engineering and Heat Engineering”, training program “Thermal Power Plants”.

Total work experience – 30 years, scientific and pedagogical experience – 22 years.

Imanalieva S.Zh. teaches classes in such disciplines as “Thermal power plants”, “Theoretical foundations of thermal engineering”, “Thermophysics”, “Safety in thermal power engineering”, “Structural materials in thermal power engineering”.

For conscientious attitude to work, success in educational and research work of students and active participation in the public life of KSTU. I. Razzakova was awarded: Certificate of Honor from the Faculty of Energy, 2015; Certificate of honor from KSTU named after. I. Razzakova, 2016; Certificate of Honor from Thermal Power Plant in Bishkek, 2018.

Телефон: 0700151762

Кабинет: 2/227


Стаж работы: 30 years