Apilova Tinatin Azankulovna
KSTU named after I. Razzakov
Боковое меню
Institute of Telecommunications Electronics
Information systems and technologies named after academician A. Zhainakov
The composition of the department
Apilova Tinatin Azankulovna
Apilova Tinatin Azankulovna
Senior Lecturer
2000-2004 Kyrgyz National University named after J. Balasagyn, specialty "Mathematics"
2004-2006 Kyrgyz National University named after J. Balasagyn "Master's degree"
Work experience:
From 2006-2008. First category engineer of KNU named after J. Balasagyn, department of "IT and PO".
From 2008 to 2022 Kyrgyz State University of Geology, Mining and Natural Resources Development named after Academician U. Asanaliev, senior lecturer of the department of "Information technology and mathematical modeling named after Academician A. Zhainakov".
From September 2022 to the present - senior lecturer. Lecturer, Department of Information Systems and Technologies named after A. Zhainakov, Institute of Electronics and Telecommunications, KSTU named after I. Razzakov.
Research work: Has more than 10 published scientific and educational works, participates in international conferences.
Profiles in scientometric databases:
1. ORCID: orcid.org/0009-0007-5818-696X
2. Web of Science: HNS-7377-2023
3. RINTS AuthorID: SPIN-code: 6654-8917
4. Google Scholar: Apilova Tinatin
5. Researchgate.net: Apilova Tinatin rid49915
e-mail: tinatin.apilova@kstu.kg
KSTU named after I. Razzakov Боковое меню Institutions Institute of Telecommunications Electronics Information systems and technologies named after academician A. Zhainakov The composition of the department Apilova Tinatin Azankulovna
Apilova Tinatin Azankulovna
Senior Lecturer
2000-2004 Kyrgyz National University named after J. Balasagyn, specialty "Mathematics"
2004-2006 Kyrgyz National University named after J. Balasagyn "Master's degree"
Work experience:
From 2006-2008. First category engineer of KNU named after J. Balasagyn, department of "IT and PO".
From 2008 to 2022 Kyrgyz State University of Geology, Mining and Natural Resources Development named after Academician U. Asanaliev, senior lecturer of the department of "Information technology and mathematical modeling named after Academician A. Zhainakov".
From September 2022 to the present - senior lecturer. Lecturer, Department of Information Systems and Technologies named after A. Zhainakov, Institute of Electronics and Telecommunications, KSTU named after I. Razzakov.
Research work: Has more than 10 published scientific and educational works, participates in international conferences.
Profiles in scientometric databases:
1. ORCID: orcid.org/0009-0007-5818-696X
2. Web of Science: HNS-7377-2023
3. RINTS AuthorID: SPIN-code: 6654-8917
4. Google Scholar: Apilova Tinatin
5. Researchgate.net: Apilova Tinatin rid49915
e-mail: tinatin.apilova@kstu.kg