Ayazbekov Almazbek Baktybekovich

Ayazbekov Almazbek Baktybekovich
Lecturer of the Department of "IST" named after Academician A. Zhainakov.

2003-2008 Kyrgyz State National University named after J. Balasagyn, specialty "Applied Mathematics and Informatics".

Professional activity
Currently - teacher of the Department of "ITiMM" named after Academician A. Zhainakov.
2009-2013. Engineer software developers IGD and GT, Department of "ITiMM" named after Academician A. Zhainakov.
Since 2009 - teacher of the Department of "ITiMM" named after Academician A. Zhainakov.

Main scientific articles for the last 5 years:
Thermodynamic modeling of a mixture of gases and their interaction with the treated surface IZVESTIYA KSTU No. 3 (39), part 1 2016 p. 139 Kabaeva G.Dzh., Amankulova N.A., Ayazbekov A.B.

Educational and methodological complexes:
1. Methodological instructions for performing laboratory work on the discipline Information processing technology "VisualStudioC#" for students in the direction 710200 "Information systems and technologies" of all forms of education. Beyshekeeva G.Dzh., Apilova T.A., Ayazbekov A.B. 2016.
2. Laboratory practical training on the basics of programming in the high-level language C++. 710200 "Information systems and technologies" of all forms of education. Koichumanova Zh., Ayazbekov A.B. 2016.

Advanced training:
1. Minimum requirements for independent accreditation of the OOP KSGU named after academician U. Asanaliev
2. Development of prof. comp. pedagogy, real. requirements of the state educational standard. IPKiPK named after M. Rakhimova.

Profiles in scientometric databases:

1. ORCID: 0009-0008-5923-1467
2. Web of Science: HTP-5534-2023
4. RINTS AuthorID:
5. Google Scholar: Ayazbekov Almaz

E-mail: almaz.ayazbekov@kstu.kg