Суюнтбеков Ислам Эсенкулович

Suyuntbekov Islam Esengulovich
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, head of department

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, head of department “Operation of transport and technological machines”,

Academic Advisor to the Engineering Academy of the Kyrgyz Republic, Excellence in Education of the Kyrgyz Republic

Specialist in the field of operation of automobile transport. More than 100 scientific papers have been published, including 3 textbooks, 15 guidelines, 2 monographs, and 80 scientific articles. Under his leadership, young scientists of the ETTM department carried out scientific work, which was awarded the first degree diploma in the republican competition organized by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic; Supervises graduate students.

Major rewards:

- Certificate of honor of the Ministry of Transport and Communication of the Kyrgyz Republic, 2010

- Certificate of honor of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic, 2012

Contact details: tel .: (0312) 545698. E-mail: mr.islam_kanai@mail.ru

Приёмная: +996312545698

Телефон: +996312545698

Кабинет: 9/132

e-mail: islam.suiuntbekov@kstu.kg

Гр.работы: 7.30-17.30

Стаж работы: 27 лет