Nyshanbaeva Astra Bekbolotovna
Ph. D., associate Professor of the Department "Operation of transport and technological machines" of the Institute of transport and ecology.
She graduated from the Kyrgyz technical University in 1999, specialty-management and automation in technical systems", master's degree in "construction of road machinery and equipment" of the Kyrgyz State University of construction, transport and architecture. Post-graduate student since 2006. distance learning.
Passed advanced training in pedagogy and psychology teaching at the University, Kyrgyz-Russian University 2005. and skills in computer applications ksusta them N. Isanov, 2010.
She was awarded a diploma of I degree for active participation in the competition of young scientists for the best research work, held for the First Forum of young scientists of the Kyrgyz Republic.
He has an honorary diploma of kgust, 2004., honorary diploma of INSTRANSKOM, 2005.
She defended her thesis on "Mathematical modeling of working processes of hydraulic drives of cars in mountain conditions" in 2012 on March 15.
Published 46 works, including 40 articles and 6 guidelines.