Mikheev Dmitry Ivanovich

Mikheev Dmitry Ivanovich

Discipline taught: Fundamentals of digitalization in modern society

Higher education, graduated from the Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University in 2009 with a degree in Instrument Engineering, engineer with a specialization in Instruments and Methods for Quality Control and Diagnostics.


2016 - present Liftes LLC, manager of the elevator testing laboratory, safety engineer

2012 - 2013 researcher, laboratory of drilling machines IMASH NAS KR

2009 - 2011 engineer of the laboratory "New Technologies and Materials" of the Department of Physics of KRSU


2022 - advanced training course in the process control system/smart relay program

2020 - courses for engineers of elevator testing laboratories of Liftes LLC

2017 - courses on safety precautions and working conditions in production at the Center for Standardization and Metrology of the Kyrgyz Republic

2009 - internship at JINR, Dubna, Russian Federation in the direction of "Innovation and nanotechnology"

Has 2 publications, one of them in SCOPUS

Language skills:

Kyrgyz - understanding at the everyday level

Russian - fluent

English - with dictionary