Batyrkanov Zhenish Isakunovich
Head of the Department
1965 - 1970 Frunze Polytechnic Institute (KSTU), Faculty of Energy
1973-1975. Postgraduate studies at the Moscow Power Engineering Institute
PhD thesis defense at Bauman Moscow State Technical University in 1987.
Title of Associate Professor 1990, Higher Attestation Commission of the USSR
Defense of a doctoral dissertation in 1997 at the National Academy of the Kyrgyz Republic
Academic title of Professor 1999, Higher Attestation Commission of the Kyrgyz Republic
work experience
From 1970 to 1972 he was an assistant at the Frunze Polytechnic Institute.
From 1976-1988. teacher, senior lecturer.
1989 - Associate Professor
1990-1993 - Dean for Work with Foreign Students of the FPI
Since 1997 - Professor of FPI - KSTU
From 1997-2012 – Head of the Department of FPI - KSTU
From 1999-2006 . Dean of the Faculty of Information Technology, KSTU
From 2010-2015 Vice-Rector for Scientific Work of KSTU
The total work experience is 45 years.
Academic degree - Doctor of Technical Sciences, (1997);
Certificate of the University of Pedagogical Excellence, Moscow Power Engineering Institute (1975)
Academic degree - Candidate of Technical Sciences (1987) Academic title Associate Professor (1990)
Academic title Professor (1999)
Honorary Professor of Kostanay Socio-Technical University (2014)
1. Head of Scientific grants:
* MOiN Grants 2011-2016
* Grant Gebze (Turkey)-2003
* EU Grant (participant) 2015-2016
2. MOiN expert on scientific grants
• 2000-2003;
• 2010-2012;
* 2016-2017 Deputy Chairman of the Expert Council of the Ministry of Defense and the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic on Information Technologies.
3. Chairman of the Dissertation Council 05.13.06 from 2007-2010. Member of the Dissertation Council since 2000 .
4. Member of the Editorial Board of scientific journals (Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Kazakhstan)
Theory and practice of automatic control system;
Intelligent systems;
Development of systems for obtaining electrical energy by electrostatic method;
Computer modeling of natural catastrophic phenomena (landslide, avalanche)
Development of 3D technologies.
He has published more than 150 scientific articles, 30 educational and methodological developments, 2 scientific monographs, 5 textbooks
He has trained more than 200 engineers, undergraduates.
4 candidate's dissertations were defended under the supervision, two candidate's and one doctoral dissertation were prepared
Kyrgyz, Russian - fluent
English - with dictionary
Excellent Student of Education of the Ministry of Education of the Kyrgyz Republic in 1995.
Honorary Certificates of the Ministry of Education of the Kyrgyz Republic 1992, 2004
Honorary Certificates of the RK of trade unions 2000-2006
Certificate of Honor of the Communications Agency of the Kyrgyz Republic 2014.
Профили в наукометрических базах:
1.Scopus ID: ________________;
2.Google Scholar: Zhenish Batyrkanov;
3.ResearcherID Web of Science: rid47301;
4.ORCID: 0000-0002-5619-7178;