
         During the existence of the department, more than 1000 information technology specialists have been trained. The department trained students from non-CIS countries: India, Algeria, Colombia, Somalia, Morocco, Sri Lanka, Angola, Cuba, etc.

           The computer department has become a real forge of personnel and this, perhaps, is due to the subject and professional area of ​​knowledge of the department staff - information technologies.

           As you know, information technology is developing very rapidly, so that it requires specialists to constantly systematically master new knowledge. Therefore, a specialist in the field of information technology will become a specialist only if he has the technique and technology for acquiring new knowledge. This explains the ability of the department's graduates to quickly adapt to new areas of activity.

           The graduates of the department successfully work at enterprises, banks, institutions, commercial firms, trade representations, as well as at the departments of higher educational institutions of the republic, countries of near and far abroad.