The Department of Informatics and Computing Techniques has 4 educational laboratories to ensure the educational process in core disciplines.
• Educational and research laboratory "Computer circuitry" (2 \ 601), designed for laboratory studies in the courses: "Circuitry", "Computer and PU", "Computing systems". "Elements, assemblies and computer devices", manufactured on the basis of integrated circuits, as well as ULC "Fundamentals of digital technology" and ULC "Control and operational automaton".
•Educational and research laboratory "Microprocessors and microcontrollers" (2/623) (combined with a computer class), created to provide laboratory workshops for the course "Microprocessors and microcontrollers", "Microprocessor systems", as well as for solving problems in the development of microprocessor control systems and management in the implementation of UIR, research work, research, course and diploma projects.The laboratory is equipped with universal laboratory stands "Microcontrollers and microprocessors" developed by students and teachers of the department and introduced into the educational process.
Educational and research laboratory of network technologies (2/628) (combined with a computer class).
Samsung IT Arademy (2/602) (combined with a computer class).