Huawei ICT Academy at KSTU. I. Razzakova

On December 21, 2021, the official ceremony of concluding an agreement on the authorization of the Huawei ICT Academy on the basis of I. Razzakov KSTU took place. The Huawei ICT Academy educational project is focused on training highly qualified specialists in the field of information and communication technologies by opening specialized laboratories with the latest learning technologies, improving the skills of teachers and assisting educational institutions to improve curricula. In addition, Huawei ICT Academy provides students with access to Huawei ICT products and technologies and promotes talent development through information and communication technology certification programs. As part of the official ceremony, the results of the program “Seeds of the Future in the Kyrgyz Republic” organized by Huawei for the best university students of the Kyrgyz Republic, among whom 5 students of I. Razzakov KSTU successfully completed their studies, were also summed up. Congratulations to the students of the Department of Informatics and Computer Engineering of the Faculty of Information Technology: Kirbasheva Meerim, Atyzakov Raadbek, Baybulatov Daniil, Aspecov Artur and Zhusuev Akai, who were awarded certificates from Huawei.


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Visiting the company "Huawei Technologies"

On April 20-21, 3rd year students of the Department of Informatics and Computer Science visited the head office of "Huawei Technologies" in Bishkek on an excursion.

During the excursion, students learned more about the company, its history of development and the tasks that are currently being performed; and also listened to lectures from company employees on topics such as:

-4G and 5G. Main differences;

-Artificial intelligence;

-Cloud technologies;

-Internet of things.

The excursion was very interesting, educational and useful.

We would like to express our gratitude to Huawei Technologies for their cooperation and for organizing an interesting event.

Opening of the Samsung IT Academy

Cooperation with Samsung Innovation Campus

Opening of the SAMSUNG IT Academy

January 10, 2024, at KSTU named after. I. Razzakova the official opening of the Samsung IT Academy took place.

Samsung IT Academy is a social and educational project of the company to train young specialists and create competency centers in the most popular areas of the IT industry in universities. Studying at the IT Academy allows you to gain additional knowledge in the areas of Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things and Mobile Development, and also gives talented students the opportunity to express themselves in the IT field.

At the moment, the first track “Mobile development in Java” has been launched.

The opening ceremony of the IT Academy was attended by the rector of KSTU Mirlan Chynybaev, Deputy Minister of Education and Science Rasul Abazbek uulu, representatives of the Ministry of Digital Development of the Kyrgyz Republic, the Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Kyrgyzstan, Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) in Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan Offices, the international department and heads of departments of IIT KSTU.

Samsung Corporation was represented by the vice president for corporate projects and interaction with government authorities from the headquarters of Samsung Electronics CIS S. V. Pevnev, head of the department of technology marketing and educational projects Yun S. G., curator of the Samsung IT Academy programs for mobile development Innovation Campus from the Samsung Research Center Limasov A.M., Director of the Institute of Information Technologies Kabaeva G.J.

Each workstation in the training laboratory is equipped with a Samsung tablet for testing developed mobile applications and a personal computer that meets current technical requirements. The laboratory is also equipped with a Samsung interactive panel.

Main goals of the educational program:

  • studying the basics of the modern industrial programming language Java;
  • mastering the skills of developing applications for the Android platform;
  • familiarization with modern approaches and techniques for developing mobile applications.

The target audience of the IT Academy is undergraduate students of KSTU. I. Razzakova.