Tentieva Svetlana Mysabekovna

Tentieva Svetlana Mysabekovna
Professor of KSTU


  •  Leningrad Electrotechnical Institute. IN AND. Ulyanova (Lenina) - LETI, Leningrad - St. Petersburg, Faculty of Automation and Computer Engineering

Qualification: electrical engineer

Specialty: computers, network systems.                                                                             

Academic degree:

  • Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor of KSTU.


  • Certified specialist, electrical engineer specializing in computers.
  • Postgraduate student of the Leningrad Electrotechnical Institute named after IN AND. Ulyanov (Lenin).
  • Professional activity:

    From 2017 to the present, Professor of the Department of "Iret", KSTU.

    2005-2017 Associate Professor of the Department of "Iret", KSTU. 2004-2007 Head of the Department of "Ejt", KSTU

    2004-2005 Head of the Secretariat of State Awards under the Office of the President of the Kyrgyz Republic.

    1988-2004 Head of the Department of "Ejt", KSTU

    In 1979-1988 . Senior lecturer of the Computer Department.

    In 1977-1979 . Teacher of the computer department.

    In 1974-1977 . Postgraduate student, V.I. Ulyanova (Lenin) - Leningrad Electrotechnical Institute named after LETI.

    In 1972-1974 . Teacher of the computer department.


    Certificate of Honor of the Kyrgyz Republic in 1996;

    Excellent student of Education of the Kyrgyz Republic in 1999;

    The 2003 Dank Medal;

Телефон: +996 312 545182

Кабинет: 2/522

e-mail: tentieva26@kstu.kg