Kurmanbek kyzy Kymbat
deputy director on quality of education
- Kyrgyz State Technical University named after I.Razzakov. FTiM, specialty: 552102 "Organization and safety of traffic".Engineer.
- Institute of Electronics and Telecommunications, Master's Degree.
- From 2019-present postgraduate studies.
- 2015-2016 in the clerical office the position of courier
- 2016-2018 Programmer engineer of the dean's office of FTiM
- 2018-2023 Leading specialist of the dean's office of IET
- 2023 to 11/20/2023 Lead Specialist of the SSC (student service center)
- From September 2023 till now part-time PC teacher at KSTU (Polytechnic College of KSTU named after I.Razzakov)
- From 20.11.2023 till present time Deputy Director of KGTI on quality of education