
2023 KGTI Diploma Awarding Ceremony

Kyrgyz-German Technical Institute of I.Razzakov KSTU on the way of development of the organization of all types of practices at leading German enterprises

A few days ago, the I.Razzakov KSTU signed a cooperation agreement with Janser Consult GmbH (Germany), under which KSTU students will have the opportunity to undergo all types of internships at leading German enterprises. At the same time, a paid internship is provided for students with subsequent employment after graduation from KGTI. General Director Mr. Sergey Serebryansky, in turn, got acquainted with the activities of KGTI and announced the possibilities of further cooperation of the company with KGTI KSTU named after I.Razzakov. Negotiations on cooperation have been conducted over the past 6 months during the visit of the director of KGTI Usupkozhoeva A.A. to Germany and as a result of these meetings, the signing of a cooperation agreement, 8 students of the directions “Electric Power Engineering” and “Mechanical Engineering” of KGTI from June to August 2023 will undergo a paid internship at the enterprise “Sitex” (Germany), located in the cities of Minden and Rostock. Rector of KSTU named after I.Razzakov Chynybayev M.K. He expressed gratitude to the general director of the company Sergey Serebryansky and expressed the desire of the university to cooperate in various fields of activity. The Rector also noted that the practical training of KSTU students at leading German enterprises will allow them to gain practical skills and in the future this will contribute to the training of professional personnel for the Kyrgyz economy sector.

Recall that today more than 1,000 students study at KSTU in 15 technical profiles and has been operating since 2004. He has cooperation in the field of education and science with leading universities in Germany within the framework of the educational programs of DAA and Erasmus plus.

Development of cooperation in the field of educational programs and research of the Kyrgyz-German Technical Institute at KSTU named after I. Razzakov with the Technical University of Ilmenau

✅️Development of cooperation in the field of educational programs and research of the Kyrgyz-German Technical Institute at KSTU named after I. Razzakov with the Technical University of Ilmenau

✅️KSTU named after I. Razzakov was visited by a delegation from TU Ilmenau within the framework of bilateral cooperation in the field of educational programs and research of the Kyrgyz-German Technical Institute.

✅️During the visit of the Dean of the Institute of Electrical and Information Technology Professor Hannes Toepfer and other employees of TU Ilmenau like Heiner Dinter, Diana Butters and Sylvia Broenig, a bilateral agreement was signed between KSTU named after I. Razzakov and TU Ilmenau, in which all directions are clearly defined, on which this international cooperation will be carried out.

✅️In October 2022, a memorandum was signed at TU Ilmenau between the institutes as part of the visit of a delegation from KSTU named after I. Razzakov headed by the rector of KSTU named after I. Razzakov M. Chynybaev and other representatives of KSTI.

✅️In November 2022, the Ambassador of Kyrgyzstan Tekebaev O. and the director of KSTI visited this university as part of a working visit.

✅️Negotiations on cooperation between the Kyrgyz-German Technical Institute and TU Ilmenau were launched back in 2018 during the visit of the Director of the Kyrgyz-German Technical Institute Usupkozhoeva A.

✅️In this educational institution and after the end of the pandemic, the planned activities gradually began to start in 2022.

✅️During the visit, a number of meetings were held with both students and professors of KSTI areas.

✅️In addition, clear plans for 2023-2024 were defined, and other plans for the preparation of double degree masters were discussed at the departments of "Electric Power Engineering". Excursions to the KSTI laboratories were organized for the delegation, as well as the topics of research work, which could be a priority within the framework of bilateral cooperation, were presented by the leading scientists of the KSTI.

✅️It was noted that the mobility of students and teachers, research work of both institutions will be carried out within the framework of the DAAD, Erasmus Plus programs.

✅️Since June 2023, students, doctoral students and professors of KSTI have the opportunity to participate in the mobility program at TU Ilmenau, which is very important today. The weekly program of the delegation was intense and fruitful. In turn, the delegation from TU Ilmenau appreciated the work of KSTI at a high level, thanked the leadership for the high organization of their visit and noted the importance of cooperation for both parties.

ℹ️Recall the Kyrgyz-German Technical Institute was established in 2004 as part of an intergovernmental agreement between Germany and Kyrgyzstan. Today, more than 1,000 students study at KSTI in 14 areas of engineering.


Forum "Women in STEM - the image of the future of Kyrgyzstan"

Forum "Women in STEM - the image of the future of Kyrgyzstan"

Forum "Women in STEM - the image of the future of Kyrgyzstan"

Today, women in Kyrgyzstan make up 52% of the population and have enormous intellectual potential. But at the same time, women remain in low-paid areas of the market, working mainly in the social and humanitarian sectors. This situation shows the weak position of women in the expanding labor markets, which may be one of the factors in increasing gender inequality in society.

The last decades have shown powerful growth and development in the information technology industry and the emergence of new professions that require knowledge in

In this regard, today more and more attention is paid to increasing the number of women in training in specialties in the natural and exact sciences, information technology, engineering, in general - in technological professions. The STEM program (S - science, T - technology, E - engineering and M - mathematics) is also aimed at this. That is, it is a system of academic subjects that is the basis for training specialists in the field of high technologies.

Among the outstanding women scientists in the field of STEM in Kyrgyzstan could be attributed Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic Rosalia Jeenchoroev, Sharipa Zhorobekova, Doctor of Chemical Sciences Minister Batkibekov, Honored Worker of the Kyrgyz Republic in the field of energy Dariyakhan Mukasheva, one of the most famous scientists in the world Asel Sartbaeva. About them and 10 successful projects in the field of STEM, the book "Kyrgyzstandin Ilimdegi Zhana Tekhnadagy Aimdary" was written, the presentation of which took place on June 4, 2019 within the framework of the forum "Women in STEM - the Image of the Future of Kyrgyzstan" at KSTU named after I. Razzakov.

The event was attended by ex-President of the Kyrgyz Republic, founder of the International Public Fund "Roza Otunbayeva's Initiative" Roza Otunbayeva, Ambassador of the United States of America to the Kyrgyz Republic Donald Lu, Vice Speaker of the Jogorku Kenesh Aida Kasymalieva, Rector of KSTU named after I. Razzakov Murataly Dzhamanbayev, project coordinator Anipa Usupkozhoeva, prominent women STEM scientists of Kyrgyzstan, heads of universities of the republic, representatives of government bodies / institutions, business sector, robotics and programming organizations, students, members of the “Women of the Kyrgyz Republic in STEM” network. Also, within the framework of the forum, the results of the project "Empowering and enhancing the role of women in STEM", implemented by the MoF "Roza Otunbayeva's Initiative", were summed up.

The event also included an exhibition of 10 innovative projects sponsored by young girls from different parts of the country.


Laying flowers at the monument to Iskhak Razzakov

October 23, 2020

A number of events were held in KSTU for the birthday of the statesman of the Soviet era Iskhak Razzakov, whose name the university has been bearing since 1995.

On October 23, a requiem meeting was held near the monument at the main entrance, at which students and the administration honored the memory of Razzakov, who went down in the history of Kyrgyzstan and contributed to the development of the Kyrgyz Republic.


Rector Dzhamanbaev M.J., Vice-Rector for Development and State Language Torobekov B.T. made an introductory speech to the audience. and the head of the museum of the same name A. Dzhumalieva. The event ended with a minute of silence and the laying of flowers at the monument.

"Girls in Science"

On February 17, 2021 at 14:30 in KSTU named after I. Razzakov the opening of the winter school STEM-KGTI will take place. This winter school is held by the MoF “Roza Otunbayeva's Initiative” jointly with KSTU named after I. Razzakov, with the support of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). This year, the STEM school is targeted at UNICEF's Girls in Science project.

The STEM winter school will train the participants of the Girls in Science project, selected for the preparatory courses for ORT, and schoolchildren of the city of Bishkek. The program of the winter school includes master classes in the areas of training of the Kyrgyz-German Technical Institute (KSTI), as well as excursions to enterprises in the field of STEM-direction. Master classes will be held in the improved laboratories of the KGTI.

Within one week, schoolgirls will be able to plunge into the world of engineering education in the field of mechanical engineering, renewable energy, hydropower, telematics, biomedical engineering, bioinformatics, logistics, food engineering, food technology, textile and leather technology.

Recall that STEM winter, spring, summer schools have been held by the Roza Otunbayeva Initiative since 2015 and provide an opportunity to attract as many schoolgirls as possible to engineering specialties.

Youth Forum “Unity! Education! Creation! "

On February 19, the Jogorku Kenesh of the Kyrgyz Republic hosted the Youth Forum “Unity! Education! Creation! ”Dedicated to youth legislative initiatives.

The event was attended by deputies of the JK, representatives of ministries and departments, as well as students of universities in Bishkek, including students of KSTU named after I. Razzakov.

Deputy of the Parliament Ainuru Altybaeva made a welcoming speech. She noted that the purpose of the forum is to discuss and influence the real state of socio-economic, educational and international problems of the Kyrgyz society and search for ways to solve them. The MP stressed the importance of youth policy, noting that it is a key part of the state's strategy for the development of human capital.

Students, in turn, made presentations on topical topics related to the intellectual development of youth, increasing the effectiveness of combating domestic violence, strengthening international relations through education and creation, and also indicated the need to stimulate the interest of schoolchildren in learning, noting that one of the consequences of online learning was a decline in the general level of education.

KSTU named after I. Razzakov sanctified the problems of the social block. A report was made by a student of ISOP at KSTU named after I. Razzakova Apasov Kalmurat. He noted that according to statistics, during the period of a pandemic, the number of cases of domestic violence in the republic increased.

Many citizens do not seek help out of fear of public condemnation, financial dependence, national mentality, etc. “It is necessary to inform the population that has become a victim of domestic violence about where they can turn for help and what are the punishments for such crimes. To improve the system of coordination of online psychological services for the efficient operation of hotlines. Provide support to critical centers for survivors of domestic violence, and tighten penalties. All departments to raise awareness of the population and eradicate such facts. "


The invited guest of the Forum, Candidate of Geographical Sciences Kairat Moldoshev, noted in his report that the problems of ecology and economics are urgent for Kyrgyzstan at the present stage. “Development should be based on the principles of rational use of natural resources, because we are dependent on natural resources and cannot protect the entire territory in the form of parks and reserves, but we can use the environment with care,” he said.

Deputy Aisuluu Mamashova called on young people to set high goals and improve in order to achieve personal and professional growth.

The Youth Forum ended with the presentation of certificates and letters of thanks to the rectors and students, as well as the adoption of the Resolution.

"Battle for respect"

March 3, 2021 in the sports hall of KSTU named after I. I. Razzakov held a militarized competition called "Battle for Respect", timed to coincide with the Defender of the Fatherland Day. 8 teams of all faculties and institutes of the university took part in the already traditional event. The honored guests noted the high degree of responsibility of the contestants and highlighted the organizational role of the Director of the Department for Social and Educational Work Zh.K. Abdusamatova, who, together with the Committee on Youth Affairs, made every effort to ensure that the competition was held at the proper level and attracted the attention of students and teachers. that filled the hall to overflowing.

The purpose of this competition is the civil and military-patriotic education of young people, pre-conscription training for the defense of the native Fatherland. A prerequisite for the participants was a "business card", including drill, marching with a song and chanting. In addition, the teams competed in the speed of donning special protective suits, tug-of-war and the combined rela

An objective and impartial assessment was given by the jury, which included rector Chynybaev M.K., lawyer of KSTU named after I. Razzakov, Israilov Avtandil Zhakypovich, as well as chief engineer - Saida Abdyrapikovna, senior teacher of the department "Physical culture and sports" - Mikhailov Alexander Vasilievich, the counting commission - Beishenov Nursultan Beishenovich.

Let's mark the training divisions, whose teams won prizes:

1st place - Kyrgyz-German Technical Institute;

2nd place - Faculty of Energy

3rd place - Faculty of Technology.