Institute history

Kyrgyz-German Technical Institute

The Kyrgyz-German Technical Institute (KGTI) is one of the young and promising institutions of the Kyrgyz State Technical University (KSTU).

The history of KSTI began with the Kyrgyz-German Technical Faculty (KGTF), which was established on July 20, 2004 on the basis of an intergovernmental agreement signed by the President of the Kyrgyz Republic and the Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany. The founders of KGTI are KSTU named after I. Razzakov and the Berlin Technical Institute Boit (BHT Berlin).

The first enrollment of students at the institute was fifty students for a budgetary form of education in two areas: "Electric power", "Technology, equipment and automation of machine-building industries." Since 2007, the preparation of bachelors in the areas of "Telematics" and "Logistics" has begun. Today, KGTI prepares bachelors in ten areas.

In 2013, KGTF was transformed into KGTI. Active work has begun aimed at its development, expanding the range of educational services, opening new areas and specialties necessary for the development of the country's industry. To date, KGTI has three departments: "Mechanics and Industrial Engineering", "Telematics", "Logistics", which train highly qualified bachelors of engineering and technology, masters for the most important regional industries. The KGTI also includes: "Center of the German Language", "Coordinating Center DAAD", Department of "Foreign Languages".

KGTI today is over eight hundred students, including representatives of Kazakhstan, Russia, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Iran and many others. others

The deans who headed it at different stages of the development of the institute, professors, played an important role in the development of the institute: Apyshev Zh.A. (2004-2006), Omuraliev U.K. (2006-2008), Ryspaev T.A. (2011-2014), associate professors: Chynybaev M.K. (2009-2010), Usupkozhoeva A.A. (2009-2011). Since 2014, the director of KGTI is Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Usupkozhoeva Anipa Abylbekovna.

In order to create a zone of European higher education in Kyrgyzstan, training at the institute is conducted according to the Bologna system of education, which is aimed at accelerating integration processes in the field of higher education. In accordance with the principles of the Bologna process, two educational levels have been introduced at KGTI: bachelor's and master's degrees. The training of personnel created at the institute allows graduates to quickly adapt to the requirements of practical activities and take a leading position in the field of engineering production, energy, telematics, and logistics.

During the period of its existence, the institute has been striving to develop international cooperation, the purpose of which is to train highly qualified specialists. Students of KSTI, subject to good academic performance, are given the opportunity to undergo educational internships, summer schools at the Berlin Boit Technical Institute in the areas of "Power Engineering", "Mechanical Engineering" and at the Cologne Institute of Applied Sciences in the direction of "Telematics". In addition, students can continue their studies in Germany with the support of our partner institutions. Over the years of existence of KGTI, over 400 students have completed internships and summer schools in Germany. Today, KGTI graduates who continued their studies in Germany work at leading industrial enterprises in Germany, Kyrgyzstan, Russia and other countries of near and far abroad.

In order to attract applicants to KGTI, summer, winter, spring schools are organized not only in Germany, but also on the basis of KSTU. The main task of such schools is to inform schoolchildren studying German as a foreign language about the available specialties at KGTI. Within the framework of schools, classes are held in the disciplines: mathematics, computer science and German, master classes are organized.

To improve the quality of graduate training, prominent scientists from both the Kyrgyz and German sides are actively involved in the educational process. The teaching staff of the institute is represented by highly professional specialists who have been trained and retrained in leading universities, research institutes of near and far abroad. During the existence of the institute, more than 80 teaching staff have completed internships at German universities.

The exchange of students and teachers is carried out with the help of the annual DAAD grant, which provides for the intensive development of relations with partners. With the support of DAAD, grants are provided for the technical equipment of laboratories. The German embassy has been acquiring educational literature in German for several years now.

A significant contribution from the German side to the development of KGTI was made by: ex Vice President for Development and International Relations Mrs. G. Gerlitz, Head of the International Department Mr. Borchert K., President Monika Gross, Vice President Mikhail Kramp, professors: Kleinschrodt, T. Huns, Feuhoff, Hambrecht, M. Sahlein, G. Kammash of the Department of the Berlin Technical Institute named after Boit and Professor M. Bongards of the Cologne Institute of Technology, representatives of the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany, heads of the DAAD center: G. Zimmerman, J. Dümmler, Katya Tews, Kai Franka, DAAD lecturers : H. Dintera, E. Knispel, I. Tauschwitz and many others.

In the future, KGTI plans to expand the range of its educational services, open new areas and specialties necessary for the development of the industry of our republic. The management of the institute and the entire workforce are making significant efforts to improve the efficiency of the educational process by introducing innovative technologies into the educational process, international relations not only in the field of the educational process, but also in scientific activities.